Home again. Without being able to do sports. Schools closed for soccer, basketball, swimming classes, fitness gyms, ski resorts until November 24. You can go to the park, yes, but with the necessary precautions and how long will it last? Children, today as yesterday, are serving the toughest curfew.
We will go to school, at least kindergarten, primary and secondary children will be able to do it (at least 75% of secondary schools will have lessons at home) and then everyone at home. He plunges back into the nightmare of emergency shutdown with the fear that in a few weeks the classes of the youngest students will also be closed and once again – to solve it – it will be the parents, first of all the mothers.
New dpcm, Conte illustrates the measures of the decree: direct at 1:30 p.m. from Palazzo Chigi
According to the new Dpcm The activities of gyms, swimming pools, ski resorts, swimming pools, wellness centers, spas are suspended, except for the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance.
Sports schools
Contact sports are suspended: basic amateur sports activities, schools and initial training activities related to contact sports, as well as all races, competitions, activities related to contact sports are also suspended if they have a playful hobbyist character. Therefore, there are no amateur leagues or start-up activities for these sports: football schools, for example, will remain closed.
The ski resorts
The country’s ski resorts closed until November 24. According to the text of the decree “the ski lifts are closed in the ski areas” that “can only be used by professional and non-professional athletes, recognized as being of national interest by the Coni, the CIP and / or the respective federations to allow directed preparation to the realization of national and international sports competitions or the realization of said competitions “. The facilities “are open to amateur skiers only after the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces and validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee, aimed at avoiding crowding of people and, in general, meetings”.
After the new regulations comes the protest from the grassroots world. “The government underestimates the grassroots sports network: if there is no immediate relief of 3 billion, an inexorable protest in the territories is foreseeable.” Paolo Barelli, president of Federnuoto and deputy of Forza Italia, is very hard on the content of the dpcm. “Why are the restaurants and bars open until 6pm and the gyms and pools close all day?” He asks. “The new dpcm shows complete insensitivity to the world of sport. If there are no immediate interventions that allow sports clubs and gym and swimming pool managers to continue to believe in the government, not only will there be a total failure, but an inexorable protest in the territories is foreseeable ””. Barelli continues.
“The government underestimates the network of sports clubs that manage sports facilities and guarantee the mobility of the citizens of the area. This closure is unfair: why this election after 200 Nas checks with the declaration that security measures were fully respected? Why do restaurants and bars close at 6pm and the pools are closed all day? What is the epidemiological study behind this choice? Why has the government thought of benches on wheels – Barelli accuses again – and has not thought of wiring the school to actually allow distance learning? Why is the only sector that has been ‘wired’ or invested in security penalized? “The closure of gyms and swimming pools, concludes Barelli,” is unacceptable: if tomorrow morning they do not immediately put 3,000 million on the table, as we have already asked, to try to keep Italian sport and plant engineering on their feet, it will be closed “
Last updated: 13:04