Dpcm replaced by decree, awaiting follow-up and new regions in the red zone


The emergency of the covid continues in Italy and in the world, in the last bulletin of the Ministry of Health 22,409 new cases of Coronavirus are registered. The tests carried out on the last day, between antigenic and molecular, were 361,040. Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, 3,123,368 infections have been registered in our country. There are 332 deaths from Covid registered on the last day, for a total of 100,811 deaths since the start of the health emergency. The healed are 13,752 for a total of 2,535,483. Currently positive cases 487,074 (+8,191). The Region with the highest number of daily infections is Lombardy. Data on region-by-region increases in the last 24 hours:

Lombardy: +4,422

Veneto: +1,561

Piedmont: +2,086

Campania: +3,034

Emilia Romagna: +2,155

Lazio: +1.654

Tuscany: +1,293

Sicily: +695

Apulia: +1,571

Liguria: +342

Friuli Venezia Giulia: +866

Walk: +881

Abruzzo: +372

Sardinia: +65

PA Bolzano: +213

Umbria: +296

Calabria: +283

PA Trento: +405

Basilicata: +118

Molise: +80

Aosta Valley: +20

If you like towards a new decree and not a Dpcm with new restrictive measures requested by Cts. Today summit between the Government and the Regions to illustrate the possible measures. Draghi awaits the new monitoring of the ISS that will lead to the color change of some regions, on Friday the new Council of Ministers to decide. Regions and municipalities anticipate the squeeze: ordinances from north to south. Esperanza: “Covid runs fast, new measures are ready to counter the English variant.” Problem: the English variant dominates over the Brazilians and South Africans. Italy exceeds 6 million vaccinated with the first dose while 1.8 are fully vaccinated. The new vaccine plan is expected. Worldwide 118 million infections and 2.6 million deaths from covid. Record deaths in Brazil: 2,286 in the last 24 hours.
