Dpcm on trips between municipalities at Christmas: radius of 20 km or provincial limit, but without agreement everything could be skipped


The million Italians who live in the yellow zone are now 50, while the possibility of modifying the decree that blocks travel between municipalities during the three days of holidays on December 25 and 26 and January 1 is terribly complicated. Yesterday, the control room did its monitoring and found data on the trend of the epidemic downhill almost everywhere.

Esperanza: “Christmas worries me.” Brusaferro: “Keep the rules of the trip”

Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Basilicata, therefore, starting tomorrow, on the basis of an ordinance from the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, enter the yellow zone, where there are ten other Regions plus the Province of Trento.

Tuscany, Campania, Val d’Aosta and the province of Bolzano remain in the orange zone for another week. Abruzzo also turns orange (which today will be red because the Government won the appeal before the TAR against the Region that had decided to reduce the restrictive measures without its consent) and, strictly speaking, it must remain in that condition until December 27.

Four other regions of the yellow zone: Lombardy, Piedmont, Basilicata and Calabria. Abruzzo turns orange

by Michele Bocci

The modification of the decree with the blocking of trips at Christmas becomes a race against time for a technical reason that has been underestimated until now: to make the adjustments effective it is necessary that the bill be definitively approved and published in the Official Gazette before Dec. 24. If this calendar is not respected, the original provision, which prohibits all movements, would remain in force. And this, perhaps, while a motion in the Senate disavows the content of a law that is being examined by the House.

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But there is more: a branch of Parliament, the House itself, participates in the budget session for the maneuver. You can find a “hole” to modify and approve the decree. And the same must happen in the Senate. The hypothesis is that the decree will reach the Chamber of Deputies on Thursday, December 17. And then vote for her on the 18th at Palazzo Madama. But this accelerated process is only possible if all political forces, including the opposition, agree. And here the mess becomes even more complex.

Esperanza: “Christmas worries me.” Brusaferro: “Keep the rules of the road”

The center-right wants to completely cancel the ban, at most it is willing to accept a radius of travel of at least twenty kilometers, or a provincial limit. On the opposite side, Roberto Speranza me Francesco Boccia: the government gives an opinion against a motion or an amendment, this is its opinion, and in any case, the Chambers must cancel the necessary rigor. Conte, who wants to avoid being hit in the House, says he can accept limited interventions, inspired by “the utmost caution” and approved by the “sovereign Parliament, which takes responsibility.” The mediation proposed by the prime minister is that action should be taken only for the “smaller municipalities and within a limited kilometer radius”, but this is not necessarily enough for the democrats and for Italia Viva. The executive fears that, in the face of a third wave, he will be blamed for the easing.

Both alternatives are at the limit: to approve a Faq that slightly expands the rights of movement (but creating a great precedent, because the law prohibits movement between all municipalities). Or, even, issue a new decree that repeals the previous one and provides for a new, less rigid inter-municipal travel regime. According to the control room data, only Molise has the Rt above 1 and the national one is 0.82. To worry technicians is the still high incidence in some Regions, particularly those that have always been yellow.

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For example, yesterday there was a lot of discussion about Veneto, which has a national record of 861 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in two weeks. In 16 Regions, ICUs are still overloaded, that is, they have more than 30% of the beds occupied. “The incidence of Covid-19 diagnoses is decreasing only slightly – the technicians write – still high and far from the levels that allow recovery from the containment phase.”

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by Elena Dusi

Veneto, Sardinia, Puglia, the province of Trento and Emilia are still considered high risk and are invited to take further mitigation measures. In general, it is requested to avoid a relaxation of the measures “including mobility”. Otherwise, there is a risk of “causing a rapid reversal of the trend with a resumption of contagion in a context of still very high incidence that would have very serious consequences for the country.”

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by Andrea Tornago
