Dpcm new, 15 for trips and visits. State of emergency towards the extension until July


Dpcm new, 15 for trips and visits.  State of emergency towards the extension until July

The extension of the state of emergency until July 31 is approaching. At Palazzo Chigi, where the Dpcm Aimed at extending the measures of the latest CDM, preparations are already being made for January 31, when the state of emergency will expire. The hypothesis, more than concrete, is confirmed in the government, it is a renewal of another 6 months.

A decision that can no longer be postponed because, exactly one year after it was decreed for the first time (January 31, 2020), the state of emergency seems more necessary than ever. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly identify a date to extend it and draw up a special decree. If it is true that the prime minister Giuseppe Conte During the traditional end of the year press conference in Villa Madama he had already announced that he was willing to do so (we will expand it “as long as necessary”), it is clear that this is a purely political election that in the past has caused Parliament to discuss widely, so it should be taken as soon as possible.

Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee observes: «We will soon be in full swing of the vaccination campaign and the epidemic is still ongoing. Extending the state of emergency seems to me inevitable and at the very least it will be necessary to make the leap forward. The words of the CTS coordinator reinforce the scenario that is already being consolidated. There are two options on the table: March 31st and July 31st. The first would be the result of a more prudent attitude on the part of the government. In practice, the executive, aware of its current weakness, would limit itself to choosing a minimum threshold, that of March 31, which would also have had the “merit” of being already invested with some emergency evidence. In fact, it is a set of deadlines already identified in the Milleproroghe just published in the Official Gazette. In other words, it is the deadline for many measures related to the state of emergency. An example for all: smart work emergency management.

The election, however, now appears to have fallen on July 31. That is, on a date that seems to be the result of more optimistic political assessments of Chigi Palace (despite the parliamentary fight last July).

Not only that, July 31 is also, formally at least, the last available date. According to the rules of the Civil Protection Code (the one that regulates the state), the state of emergency can in fact be extended only for 12 months and then for another 12. This does not mean that it can last a total of 2 years: the The factual rule states that the extension of the second year must be counted with respect to the end of the first declaration of the state of emergency. In the case of the coronavirus, the period from which the possible one-year extension begins is not January 31, 2021, but July 31, 2020. And the last date available for the extension would be the summer of 2021 However, not infrequently these deadlines have been exceeded. It happened several times in the presence of tragic events like earthquakes (central Italy, Emilia and Campobasso, to name a few).

In any case, whether the reference time horizon is spring or more likely summer, we must get there. And to do this, the first step that the executive must take is the development of a new Dpcm to replace the one that expires on January 15. The text will not include major disruptions but will prolong the effectiveness of the measures established with the “bridging measure” in force as of tomorrow. Together with the return of the gang system (with the new parameters) as of January 15, the prohibitions of receiving more than 2 people who do not live together at home and of crossing regional borders without valid reasons (even in the yellow zone) were confirmed. ).

Not only. While waiting to know if the new covid-free “white zone” envisioned by the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini will make its debut, the ministries most affected by the restrictions – the Department of Sports and Mibact – are pressing to reopen now. from January 15 gyms, swimming pools and museums. “The sport will enter the new Dpcm – endorsement of the Spadafora delegation – since the end of December we have been working with the CTS for a protocol that will allow us to open gyms, swimming pools and dance schools in the yellow zone in a differentiated way”. Mibact is of the same opinion. “Our goal is to open the museums of the yellow zone from the 15th – trust a source – and from mid-February or March cinemas and theaters.”

Last update: 00:29

