Not for traveling between municipalities at Christmas and New Years
“On December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, any movement between municipalities is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons”, reports the drought of the legislative decree that will serve to prohibit travel. “However, it is allowed to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.”
At Christmas stop in second homes outside the Region
It is strict to travel to second homes during the holidays, as required by the drought of the Covid decree expected tonight at the CDM table. From December 21 to January 6 you will be allowed to return to your home outside the Region, but you will not be able to move “to second residences located in another Region or Autonomous Province and, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1 from 2021, also located in another municipality. “
Restaurants closed in hotels on New Year’s Eve
The news yesterday, at the end of the long summit at Palazzo Chigi between Giuseppe Conte and most of the heads of delegation, was the prohibition to leave their municipality of residence on December 25 and 26 and January 1, as anticipated Republic. Now there is another: the closing of restaurants in hotels for New Year’s Eve: only for room service customers. A way to avoid a trick that many used to celebrate New Year’s Eve away from home.
The knots to untie
Among the knots to be resolved, there is certainly the question of school. The prime minister insists on reopening the secondary school on December 14. But not everyone agrees: the lessons will likely return in presence after Epiphany, that is, on Monday, January 11. In the next Dpcm there will be measures “for a gradual return to school in which we are working at this time”, guaranteed the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina in the meeting with the Student Forum and the regional coordinators of the Student Councils. While Zampa comments: “Schools could reopen in mid-December, discussions are underway. For me it would be better to open them in January, first you have to advance in the results because the goal has not yet been achieved ”.
Another topic that causes discussion, especially within the majority, are i family reunification with possible exceptions for travel between regions, strictly prohibited from December 21 to January 6. For now, the hard line seems to prevail: traveling to meet family members in non-resident places is prohibited.I have reasons of need, such as assisting a single father, which will require self-certification, as explained by the Undersecretariat of Health, Sandra Paw, guest of Lilli Gruber in Otto e mezzo in La7 – And two relatives who live in two different but yellow regions and leave before December 20, will be able to see each other.“.
And to stay in the family, the other ongoing debate is on number of people at the table during the holidays: the prevailing recommendation is to have lunch and dinner alone with cohabitants, it is Zampa herself who specifies: “
We will not indicate limits for the number of people at the table, but I would advise against opening it to non-partners. Helping us this time means stopping seeing us. ”
Curfew at 10:00 p.m. and restaurants closed at night
the curfew stays at 10 p.m., until 5 a.m. the next morning, except for reasons of necessity, work or health, even at Christmas and New Year’s Eve: Christmas Eve dinner is at risk even in homes to avoid tables between family members and various trips. Bars and restaurants will close at 6pm, as is the case now also in the yellow regions and as everyone else should be for the holidays. But they can stay open for lunch on Christmas and St. Stephen’s, New Years Eve, and January 6.
Restaurants open for lunch on holidays
They remain closed bars and restaurants from 6 pm, however at Christmas, San Esteban, New Year’s Eve and January 6 will be open for lunch, insistence of Davide faraone from Italy alive, with the probable limit of four diners.
Christmas Masses at 8 pm
With the curfew confirmed at 10 p.m., Christmas masses will start at 8 pm. “We will have to finish early for the time to return home for the curfew at 10 at night. That is, around 8.30 at night. It is a decision taken in accordance with the CEI, which has perfectly understood the necessity, “said the undersecretary dem alla. Health Sandra Paw, guest of Lilli Gruber in Otto e mezzo in La7.
Stores open until 9pm
Store closing time could be moved to 9pm to allow for a longer Christmas shopping, with tickets always free to avoid crowds. The shopping centers will be open on weekends until December 20, but will be closed during the Christmas season.
The ski slopes are closed
There is no Christmas holiday in the snow. Government intends not to allow the opening of the ski lifts for the risk of meetings. Minister Speranza reiterated: the problem is not the plants, but the social situations that would inevitably arise.
Cruises prohibited
Christmas is forbidden on the ski slopes but also on cruise ships. The government has decided to ban travel in hotels by the sea.
Quarantine for those returning from abroad
As of December 20, the quarantine could be activated for those who return from abroad, a measure designed especially for those who want to go skiing in Switzerland – which has kept the slopes open – or in European Union countries, such as Slovenia.
Coronavirus, new Dpcm Christmas 2020, Hope to the Chambers “Do not travel on the 25th, 26th and New Year’s Eve. Free vaccinations from January”
by Alberto Custodero
Tensions in the majority
A long tug-of-war in most for the new anti-Covid measures that the government will soon have to pass. After yesterday’s meeting between Conte and those in charge of the group, in a subsequent meeting with the heads of delegation, the need arose to adopt a more rigid attitude regarding possible openings. Hence the tensions that animated the meeting this morning in the Senate where a front made up of exponents of living Italy but also some of the Democratic Party supported the need for a parliamentary resolution that involves the government on certain points, such as the possibility of restaurants to stay open during the holidays. Hence the decision to address a resolution that, on the Dpcm, assumes the positions of Minister Speranza. “Without significant restrictions on movements – the minister explained – a substantial change in our habits and strict compliance with safety regulations, living with the virus until the vaccine is doomed to failure. Maximum caution, therefore ”. An election that generated some discontent among those who, for the most part, asked to allow, along with the opening of restaurants, movements between municipalities and family reunification. As Andrea Marcucci, former Renziano now leader of the Pd group: “We ask for attention on first degree family reunification even between different regions.” A charge, that of Marcucci, which leads the national secretary Nicola Zingaretti to reiterate the official line of the Democratic Party: “I share the elections regarding the holidays that the Government makes and illustrated by Speranza in the Senate. If we want to live again, no we can in no way frustrate the efforts made in recent weeks by the Italians. ”In the evening, the position of Dario Franceschini, head of the delegation of the dem in the government in line with Zingarettu: it is the result of a deep confrontation in the government and part of the certainty that it is only sacrificed during the Christmas holidays they will be able to avoid a third wave of infections ”.
Toti: “Some measures of the Dpcm do not make sense”
“If what I hear from the Dpcm is true, I anticipate a really difficult night and morning. Closing the movements between regions and municipalities and keeping mountain hotels and restaurants open does not make sense, they will not have customers. With closed municipalities, nothing can be done. “This is how the president of the Liguria region, Giovanni, reacts All, invited to ‘Stasera Italia’, given the restrictive measures that the incoming decree could contain. “No region is stupid and wants to open everything, but we know how much Christmas is socially worth for Italians. Even on a religious and economic level: 20 days of Christmas are worth 3 months for commerce. We ask for a measured system that takes into account the difficulties of the country, we ask the Government many things, above all we ask for balance – observed the president of the Liguria Region – Some things, rumors about the new Dpcm, I simply do not understand. celebrate Christmas with a family member in a nearby town? It doesn’t make any sense. ”
The project
The drought of the Dpcm with the new measures to combat the contagion of Covid must be sent to the Regions between tonight and tomorrow, so that they have time to formulate conclusions before the signing of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, Thursday 3 of December. The text, which will translate into law the measures illustrated today to the Chambers by Health Minister Roberto Speranza, must be sent to the Regions after the Council of Ministers tonight, in which a new Covid decree will be launched that will give the framework legislative to decree. of the Prime Minister. Having gathered, tomorrow, the conclusions of the Regions, the government must make a final adjustment of the drought, so that Conte can sign it in the afternoon and the text can be published in the Official Gazette in the afternoon or in any case before midnight. Therefore, the measures will enter into force from December 4.