
Franco Bechis
There is still someone thinking in the middle of the pandemic, and that is the reason why yesterday Giuseppe Conte did not sign the new dpcm that should have decreed a curfew and allow the closure of many activities. Someone within the majority objected, and the regions for the most part formed a wall against the circulating hypotheses. So today they should give birth to a slightly sweeter closure: a curfew perhaps at 11 at night, easing the blow in bars, pubs and restaurants a bit. Except for some activities that were supposed to be closed: hairdressers and beauty centers, with the fate of the gyms still in doubt.
During the day the defenders of the different categories sprouted like mushrooms, and the most intense pressure was that of the ladies (even Maria Elena Boschi screeched on social networks), who simply do not want to give up hairdressing salons again after the blockade very long last spring. Also, then they could not leave home if it were not to go shopping, today they do and styling is a very basic need for them. Thanks to them, Conte shaved a bit and his Dpcm eraser a bit. Well, obviously if the wounds we feared yesterday are inflicted in a less serious way. But the underlying issue remains: the government continues to explain nothing of its decisions, taking refuge in a very comfortable refrain: “the scientists asked us.”
So let’s face these scientists head-on, because they appear as talking crickets on various television broadcasts, usually saying the opposite of each other. Weren’t they, the glorious members of the scientific committee, who drew up the protocols with which they had to open the different production activities since last May? Thanks to its diktats, rooms have been renovated for restaurants, bars, pubs, hairdressing and barber salons, rooms in beauty centers, equipment for gyms and sports centers. Those who managed them went into debt, perhaps asking for loans guaranteed by the state, to make new investments, sometimes anticipating the layoffs that never reached their employees to try a brave bet after everything that happened: reopen and restart. Now what do you tell them, that that money was thrown away and that the members of the technical and scientific committee made mistakes in their evaluations, and you close them? Here, this is the main reason why the lords of the government and the governors of the Regions should not dare to take a step like this. And in any case, before taking that path, all the technical and scientific committees have to be closed, giving each professor a good kick in the ass.
I think this is the main problem of a government where there is still someone of good will, but it does not matter because everyone has given themselves to this hypothetical “science”, which has shown to know nothing about the virus and even less about the practice of daily life. Think, they are the same ones that made you immerse yourself in the grotesque drama of the single-seater desks to reopen the school. Those who explained to you that it was necessary to put each child on that desk, keeping “a meter away from the rhymes in the mouth” of the closest student. Splendid image for scientific congresses, with the only defect that in a classroom there are no marble statues, but flesh and blood children who breathe, move, snort, laugh, pass their pens to their friend and are not there with the meter a Calculate the “rhyme distances from the mouth”. So they too get infected, we don’t know much or little. But let’s look at the figures of those who are now in isolation or quarantine waiting for the fateful hyssop, and hundreds of thousands are provoked by that school with its “rhymes in their mouths”.
Nobody explains a fig, why citizens should be sheep that it is better to scare a little, so that they obey better. Because even on the masks before forcing everyone to wear them inside and out, a few more words could have been wasted. Surgical ones like the famous Ffp2 and Ffp3 have been used for decades in the healthcare sector, they were not mysterious objects invented for the coronavirus. In February the WHO and with him our higher institute of health, Minister Roberto Speranza and even Prime Minister Conte told us, illustrating it in flyers and infographics that are still there, that masks should not be used except by the infected and by the that had to do with them and that the surgical staff (and much less those from communities made of cloth or other material) did not defend anyone from the coronavirus, but they were a bit of a barrier if those who were already sick carried them and that way sneezing and coughing. droplets of the virus preventing too many from reaching those around them. Suddenly, those same masks have become essential for everyone to wear to defend ourselves from the virus. Why? Did they have a chemical mutation? Have they suddenly become resistant to viruses after decades? I honestly think not, and it is our politicians who prove it. Everyone in the House wore them, keeping their distance, at the group leaders’ meeting. And in just a few days (much less than what scientists say) they discovered that almost everyone was infected thanks to that encounter. Therefore, the masks did not serve to protect them at all. Can you explain why? And why then should we all blindfold ourselves with a useless rag?
