Published on: 10/26/2020 8:56 PM
The next day is free for everyone. Attacking Matteo Renzi, the Democratic Party that responds badly, the M5S struggling with internal tensions and anger towards the majority allies. The Dpcm with the new anti-Covid grip makes the Conte government tremble, which meanwhile is racing against the clock to launch the decree with soft drinks quickly: the mission is the green light no later than tomorrow.
It will have to be in the Official Gazette on Tuesday, not one more day, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte assured yesterday at a press conference in an undoubtedly complex attempt to reassure the categories most affected by the provision, who complain of having spent money in money to be in good shape and is now at risk of being wiped out by the second wave of Covid-19. Those same categories – baristas, restaurateurs, gym owners, artists – who take to the streets from one end of the country to the other, while the Viminale warns about the risk of social tensions.
The prime minister puts his face to that, already on Thursday he is ready to inform the Chambers about the new grip, and tries to reassure the souls. For high school students, forced at home for three-quarters of the time, expect the sacrifice to last a short time, just a few weeks. Meanwhile, he faces the most affected categories, tomorrow starting at 11, in a day that promises to be fiery and very long. In the background, the government allies who give themselves a good reason.
To raise the bar for the crash we think of Matteo Renzi, who does not send them to say and asks them to put their hand to the Dpcm. Words that reignite the war, never asleep, with the Democratic Party, with the Democrat Nicola Zingaretti, who reproaches the former prime minister: “Whoever sits at the government table and opposes the next day is not serious. Life is at stake . from the people”. But meanwhile he asks for a legislative pact, “a table that reconstructs the reasons for this alliance and raises them.” Because the coalition crunches, in obvious difficulty it risks being overwhelmed by the second wave.
And while the distance confrontation between Ministers Azzolina and De Micheli continues, with the 5 stars pointing a finger at the unresolved transport node, the talk of the elected M5S is in fibrillation, among those who complain of too strict measures and the that take it out on government allies. The head of the delegation of Dario Franceschini, the protagonist this Saturday of a tough confrontation with the minister Vincenzo Spadafora, is in the crosshairs. “It is a good idea to wake up – a deputy points with his finger -. Apart from the holiday bonuses. And you will not have to think about Favino & co, but about the world of theater itself.
Franceschini, who lobbied with the Democratic Party to take the hard line and launch the so-called free time blockade, defends the government’s decisions: “I have the impression that the real gravity of the situation has not been perceived,” he says, underlining the need to “intervene quickly” because “there was no more time. The decision to close all activities after 6 pm was not linked to a hierarchical choice, but to the need to limit travel.”
Vito Crimi, while the M5S is in revolt, recalls that the difficult decisions of the last hours “we take together, as a unit, not lightly but with the awareness that behind each code and each category there are people, workers, companies, families, citizens. Today we face a crucial challenge, which we must face united and united. The only real enemy is the virus, there are no others. ”But in the internal chats another story is told.
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