Dpcm December 3, purchases by age group and travel between regions: rumors
On December 3, 2020, the current Dpcm will expire, which has introduced different restrictions to the Covid-19 stem depending on the color assigned to each Region of Italy: but in view of that date, the Government is already working on a new provision and many wonder what measures will be introduced practically on Christmas Eve. Although the holidays are far away, as we know the executive’s orientation – despite the contrary opinion of many scientists – is not to impose a new confinement. According to the latest rumors, the Dpcm on December 3 will obviously depend a lot on what happens in the next two weeks.
As reported today The messenger, the most popular idea at the moment is to postpone the curfew -currently in force from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.- for a few hours, until it is canceled directly on holidays. The government would like to issue two different measures, one that refers to closures and reopens until around Christmas (so that economic activities breathe a bit) and another that allows families to celebrate Christmas with more recommendations than prohibitions. Among other rules, there is the possibility of allowing purchases from December 4 not only in the yellow areas, but also in other places with limited hours, probably for age groups, as is already the case in some regions. In restaurants, however, there will continue to be an obligation not to have more than six at the table, but in homes the obligation becomes a recommendation, such as not extending dinner to non-first-degree relatives. Obviously, the obligation of the mask will also remain everywhere.
Read also: 1. “Covid was in Italy already in September 2019”: the discovery of the Milan cancer institute / 2. Calabria Health, Gino Strada: “Contacts with the Government. Available, but I ask for guarantees” / 3. Exclusive TPI – Calabria, complaint from the former primary school: “We have a laboratory to process swabs, but no one answers us”
4. How will the Covid vaccine be distributed in Italy? The draft of the Ministry’s plan / 5. Did you know that golfers can move freely in Italy despite the blockade? / 6. Sassoli: “Europe must cancel the debts contracted by Covid. The month? So that nobody accepts it “