Rome, December 6, 2020 – In the battle against the Coronavirus, after the signing of the new Dpcm (here Pdf and annexes) that sanctioned the government hard line In view of the Christmas and New Year holidays, half of Italy turns yellow again. But it is clear that this is not yet the time to lower our guard, because the risk of a third wave of the cursed virus remains high, although according to the latest Covid bulletin, the contagion curve is still slowing, thankfully.
Covid: December 6 Newsletter
What can be done at Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Questions and answers
Meanwhile they are appeared in the night, on the government website, new Faq in relation to the new Dpcm of December 3, but those who wish to consult specifically the new rules for the holidays – Christmas, New Years, Epiphany – are likely to be disappointed: the proposed question-answers do not include questions such as “How many can we sit at the table? for Christmas Eve dinner? ”, which many wonder.
The fact is that, as it emerged from the Conte’s press conference explaining the Dpcm, that “in a free and democratic system we cannot enter the homes of citizens with strict limitations, but only one strong recommendation: do not receive people who do not live together at home, especially on these occasions “during Christmas and the New Year. And he added:” Precaution is essential to protect our loved ones, especially the elderly “.
In short, in short, the ‘social’ tendency of these parties is left to the sensitivity of the citizens. Yesterday the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza He put it this way: “It would be nice to say ‘let’s remove all limitations, everyone can go back to normal’. But we would not tell the truth and we would have to pay a huge price.”
Viminale’s circular on travel
Moving between regions before December 21: what can be done
Self-certification: what you need to get around on Christmas
As for travel, perhaps there is a risk that the massive exodus from north to south will be repeated around December 20, such as the one experienced at night between March 7 and 8 (which worried the Lombard governor Attilio fontana), but also here: it will depend only on us.
Back to new Faq – With the question and answer system on all aspects of the new rules, they reaffirm that no one is condemned to be alone at Christmas. When asked “Can I go to helping a dependent family member or friend?The answer is: “Yes, it is a condition of necessity and therefore there are no time limits”, but also remembering that “they are more vulnerable categories and therefore try to protect them from contacts as far as possible”.
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