Dpcm December 3 at Christmas. Movements between regions: blocking the hypothesis of 20 – Chronicle


Rome, November 30, 2020 – Negotiation is open on Christmas dpcm, which should arrive by Friday December 4 (day of entry into force). Today extraordinary meeting of the Presidents of the Region, to seek a common line before the confrontation with the Government on the next measure anti-Covid: the agreement will be found in particular at movements and schedules of the premises. The government’s intention is to maintain curfew; keep all restaurants closed at Christmas, San Esteban, New Years Eve, New Years Eve, Epiphany; not allowing the afternoon shift even in the yellow zones throughout the month of December; leave more space just for shopping before Christmas. The restaurant dilemma will be solved at the same time as the other holiday knots: mobility between regions and joint trips. The latest rumors speak of a blocking movements between regions from December 20 to Epiphany. However, our eyes are on the possible exceptions: the government, tomorrow, will have to decide how to grant return home with elderly parents. With respect to husbands reunification must be granted, also extended to cohabiting couples.

About the meetings between children and parents the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, explained to Rainews24: “There is a confrontation that will continue, but here it is about giving absolute priority to the defense of health networks. I think nobody wants the third wave. It’s in New Year: “If we decide that there is a time limit to travel, that we return home regardless of what we have to do: is there to celebrate the New Year? Celebrated at home“Is it true that he said ‘they must go over my corpse’ if the curfew is skipped at 10 pm? Boccia is asked:” A lot of things are said in meetings and in any case, yes, I think so, like Speranza and the entire government. Prudence and attention is our line, a moon that puts health first ”.

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The “limited” movements

With caution the President of Emilia Romagna and of the Conference of Regions, Stefano bonaccini: “I use the verb limit, which I think is the most correct, and then in the next few days there will also be verifications in light of new data,” responded, guest of Mattino 5, who were asked about the hypothesis of stopping various areas of the country.

Although the decline in infections continues, “we are far from celebrating victory. We will need a different Christmas, otherwise the curve will grow again,” said the Deputy Minister of Health in an interview with ‘La Stampa’. Pierpaolo sileri. The maximum attention remains, which will find concretion in the next Dpcm, “from the movements between Regions, which must be limited”. Sileri believes that travel between yellow regions also needs to be banned: “By the end of December most regions are likely to be in the yellow stripe and at that time Christmas lunches with positives on the table would be enough to risk a massacre.” . Moving to second homes within the region itself “is being discussed. The question, in this case, is how many people go to second homes.” The curfew “must remain at 10 at night.” The restaurateurs “you have to register, have them reopen, but after the Christmas holidays. At this moment we must continue giving oxygen to hospitals ”. For now “I would leave everything frozen and in January I would begin to consider making the measures more flexible for them, but also for theaters and cinemas.”

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In short, the government’s line is that of maximum prudence. “I know that severe restrictive hypotheses are being worked on. But the Dpcm is not there yet, there are some hypotheses ”but“ all the hypotheses that dance in the newspapers create an impressive anxiety and I prefer not to contribute with hypotheses not yet confirmed. “, said the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, on Radio 24, on the possibility of prohibiting travel between regions as of December 20. “We will try to make people understand that you have to move as little as possible – he added – the plan will be presented and illustrated by the minister on Thursday “December 3”. I have brothers, friends, sisters who ‘besiege me’ to find out – he said – and last night I wrote a small message, I don’t say who … but I ‘broke in’ to the minister and not only him, last night, because there is also an urgent matter “for the people who eventually have to organize.” If we add to the severity that we are late, then this gives people an argument to be angry and this must be avoided ”, concluded Zampa.

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