The rush of the Democratic Party of Dario Franceschini to want a quick repression has collided once again with the times of Giuseppe Conte who, before putting another dpcm, wanted the “round” of consultations to resume. And so, after the long majority meeting – which began on Friday night and ended at dawn yesterday morning – the Scientific Technical Committee met again at the Palazzo Chigi and immediately after the ministers Boccia and Speranza put around a table, although at a distance, the regional presidents with Civil Protection and Commissioner Arcuri. Then, last night, a new meeting with the majority heads of delegation to which Conte presented the articulated assessments of the experts and the prudent requests of the governors. Only today Conte will let you know what there is new dpcm.
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Although from Palazzo Chigi it is remembered that the last measurements of the last dpcm are barely four days ago and the contagion curve rises, but not in the same way as hospitalizations and intensive care, in the end Conte decides to please the restlessness of the dem, diluting it, however, with Bellanova’s opposition to a tightening so as to put entire sectors at risk and the fear of regional presidents of having to share unpopular measures.
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We then proceed to one mini-closure avoiding – they recommend from the Palazzo Chigi – “the leaks forward” and stopping the “anticipations” that “feed the confusion among the citizens.” After hours of meetings and tug of war, during which the governors were left with the most draconian measures to take in the event of a contagion outbreak, Conte finds “the square” and regains possession of the “hourglass” and the scene calling a press conference live on television in which the measures will be explained and extended. The adopted and the rejected. From the lockdown to various forms of curfews that the prime minister continues to consider outside the government’s strategy for the second wave.
Dpcm, tampons in pharmacies and staggered entries in schools. The proposals agreed between the Regions and the government
In a meeting with the regional presidents in the morning, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, had already explained that the “basic idea” is to make a “distinction between essential and non-essential activities because infections must be limited.” Therefore, intervene immediately in sectors not essential to safeguard work and school. Safeguarding work means increasing remote work into public employment by up to 70-75%, while to protect education schools and universities will be urged to further differentiate entry time and increase, but without the obligation to wish. minister Azzolina – distance lessons in the last classes of high school. After the reorganization of transport and the increase in tampons in each municipality with the help of Civil Protection.
To try to limit nightlife, the closing hours of bars and restaurants could be lowered to 10 at night, as urged by the most rigorous wing of the government led by ministers Franceschini and Speranza, but at this point Conte and Renziana Bellanova said they were especially against it. for places that respect the spacing and in which it is possible to request that the diners limit themselves to the tables.
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Out of the provision for hairdressers and beauticians, as well as there will be no more repression in cinemas and theaters, while the stop to contact sports also extends to amateur sectors despite the signed protocols. Stopping at clubs, gyms and swimming pools is also being debated. “If we decide to ask any sector to cease or limit its activities, we will take care of the refreshment,” Speranza said, thus giving content to a decree that could accompany the Prime Minister’s Decree with the extension of the Covid dismissals.
Last update: 23:52