Dpcm Christmas: Lombardy prepares for the holidays in the Covid era – Chronicle


Milan, November 21, 2020 – Just over a month to go Christmas. A Christmas in the Covid-19 era destined to change the habits and the traditions of the Lombards. To understand what the holidays in Italy will be like fighting with second wave of coronavirus we will have to wait for him December 3, the day the Conte Dpcm expires (which has distinguished Italy in risk zones by three color bands) and expectations will arrive new provisions. That those who arrive will be different holidays, marked by anti-Covid regulations, in Lombardy this can also be seen in some historical cancellations. This year, for example, there will be traditional Oh Bej Oh Bej Fair, an unmissable appointment for Sant’Ambrogio (patron of the city). And other highly anticipated December events will also be staged with a new look: skipped the “Prima” of La Scala in its most traditional form, the Piermarini is working for an alternative show.

Extreme caution

The invitation of the experts from the scientific world is unanimous: extreme caution or you risk thwarting the sacrifices made in recent weeks. The objective, underlined by the director of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco hospital in Milan, Massimo Galli – is not to make the same mistakes made in summer. “HOr did I swear to myself that I would talk about the Christmas just to congratulate the relatives, because I think it is someone else’s job to put a face on it from this point of view, ”he explained. One thing is certain. We can’t pretend that nothing has happened: we have to avoid doing at Christmas what we did in August. In addition, although some timid signs of improvement are beginning to appear, the situation in Lombardy continues to be critical: only yesterday more than 9 thousand new infections and 175 deaths, and hospitalizations increased again after a day of “respite”.

Government at work

In recent days, the same prime minister Giuseppe Conte had warned: “We must prepare for a more sober Christmas; parties, celebrations, kisses and hugs will not be possible. A week of wild sociability would mean paying a sharp increase in the curve in terms of deaths and stress in intensive care in January. We can do it allow “. But what steps are also being considered to allow retailers to take a breather after the closures linked to regional closures? The idea of ​​an Italy divided into risk bands should be maintained. The most current hypothesis is that it could be a Dpcm for the period from December 3 to around Christmas me one for the royal vacation.

Shopping in stores

To allow holiday shopping i shops could take one wider aperture band stay open for a longer time interval to avoid meetings. Presumably there will also be the opening of shopping centers on weekends and holidays while tickets are controlled and priced not only in commercial activities but also in streets and squares (with special attention to large cities).

Bars and restaurants

He hypothesized the night opening also for restaurants and pubs. while for dinner at home there will be recommendations and not prohibitions (practically inapplicable): one idea is that the limit may be that there are no more than six people at the table, only cohabitants and close relatives. And the number of diners in restaurants could also rise to six.


The decision is also highly anticipated displacements. Prohibited in the red zones and limited in the oranges, the return to residence or domicile will always be allowed even between regions.


The curfew is currently set at 10 pm throughout Italy, could slip at 11pm or midnight. The evaluations are in progress the eve and that of December 31. On the other hand, no exceptions should be granted for events in the plaza or other meeting places, or for parties.
