After a tough tug of war and five hours of confrontation, the hard line passes at Palazzo Chigi. The final agreement in the government is that of a national red zone from December 24 to January 6, on holidays and the eve of holidays. For the other days of the week, however, the orange area. In total there will be 10 days of total closure while another 6 will be partial closings. The prohibition to circulate in more than two people is also maintained, as an exception to the blocking of traffic.
This is the orientation that emerges from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s summit with the majority heads of delegation and Minister Boccia. Now there will be a comparison with the regions.
The secretary of the Democratic Party and president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, asks for speed, without further doubts: ” Lazio’s red zone for the Christmas holidays in the absence of a government measure? We will discuss it with the commissioner and the scientific committee – he says – I trust that today there are decisions that allow everyone to orient themselves: if there is no national provision, Lazio will surely have a regional order to approve Christmas and New Years safely. “Fear is a very tough third winter wave.” January and February would be dramatic, “he says. A line similar to that of Luca zaia, which has already decided autonomously to block extra-municipal travel from 2:00 p.m. on December 19.
Red zone at Christmas, only close relatives and a maximum of two people: here are the rules for visits
by Tommaso Ciriaco

Among the issues to be resolved, the possible derogation for minors (presumably under 18 years), which according to Prime Minister Conte should not be considered between the two relatives who do not live together and who can host outside their own family. An option that does not completely convince the rigorous front led by Roberto Speranza, Dario Franceschini me Francesco Boccia. Also because it would be an exception that would allow entire families to create opportunities for aggregation, partially nullifying the effects of the red zone. Another problem is a specific exemption only for the youngest children who obviously cannot stay home alone. As for the latter, on the table there is always the option of decreeing it for holidays and days before holidays from December 24 to January 3. However, the request of the sanctioners is to extend it even more, including the period from December 28 to 30, or to extend the prohibition to holidays and days before January 5 to 6.
In the afternoon, therefore, the new limits and stakes will be examined by the Council of Ministers to formally transform them into a new specific decree. At that time, in the afternoon, the press conference of the Prime Minister will take place, who will announce to the country what can be done, especially what not, in the coming weeks of celebration.
The folder
One million people on the road, special roadblocks. Sold out on trains and planes
curated by Alessandra Ziniti

The controls
During the holiday period “there will be a significant increase in controls. We are going to deploy at least 70,000 women and men from the Police and the Carabinieri, whom we already thank in advance. To ensure that their work is effective, we must be careful not to put Too many exceptions, the rules must be clear. The simpler the rules, the clearer they are. ”Thus, the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Achille variati (Pd), spoke to the broadcast mics Italy is waking up his Campus Radio Cusano. “It will be necessary to understand well – he continues – what will be decided for 28-29-30 and Epiphany, but on the high days of the holidays the ban will be strong, there should also be a prohibition of circulation within the municipality itself. The vast majority of our citizens in this long period have respected the rules, but there is a part that has not respected them. There are numbers: in the last 4 days we have 7.5% more new positives compared to the same days of the previous week. Irresponsible people still walk quietly even knowing they are positive. We are on the order of a few dozen people a day. The police forces, through the databases, know very well who tested positive ”. Regarding the new dpcm, he adds: “There is talk of a divided government, but a government will also have to argue, it is normal for us to confront each other. There are more rigorous ministers and ministers who pay more attention to the consequences in our economy. In the end I am sure that the synthesis will be unitary. It would have been desirable that in dramatic moments like these, politics could regain unity, but unfortunately this is not the case, the opposition continues to say that the government is made up of the incapable and the government pulls “.