Dpcm and Sport – this is what you can do in the yellow, red and orange area


The Department of Sports of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has specified the measures for sports activity imposed by the last Dpcm in force since Friday, November 6

From the Medium Risk Regions, marked in yellow, to Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta, the most critical areas, the red ones. According to the latest Dpcm (effective as of Friday, November 6), the permitted sports activity changes according to the level of criticality linked to the territory. To remove any doubts, the Sports Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has clarified the activities allowed and prohibited in the three areas in which Italy has been divided.

Yellow zone

We start from the yellow zone that groups the Medium-risk Regions, those that have not suffered more restrictions with respect to what is established by the Dpcm of October 24, 2020. With one exception: the prohibition of the use of changing rooms in sports centers and compliance with the “curfew” schedule also for sports activities. Therefore, it is possible to carry out sports and motor activities outdoors and in open-air sports centers. From 5 in the morning until 22 at night. But gym and pool activities are still suspended. In addition, contact sports are not allowed except individually and outdoors. Regarding events and competitions, those recognized as being of national interest by the Coni and the CIP are allowed, referring to individual and collective sports organized by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies. How can the athletes (professionals and not) who participate in these competitions train? Behind closed doors, following protocols. Can you leave your municipality of residence to practice sports? Yes. All people are allowed to leave the municipality of residence without permits and special needs, but with the prohibition of entering high-risk areas (orange or red).

Orange zone

In the orange areas, those of high gravity, the same provisions must be applied as for the yellow areas. With one exception: sports activities cannot be carried out outside the municipality of residence.

Red zone

Finally, the red zone, with the Regions characterized by the maximum severity. Here it is forbidden to enter and leave the territories, as well as within the same territories, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. Motor activity is allowed only in the vicinity of the house, respecting the distance of at least one meter from other people and with the obligation to use individual protection devices. Furthermore, sports activity is only possible outdoors and individually and no longer outdoors in sports centers or clubs. In these spaces, all events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are suspended, while sports events and competitions recognized as being of national relevance by the Coni and the Cip are allowed, both outdoors and indoors. public. The training of athletes, agonists and non-agonists, who participate in events and competitions of national importance provided by law is allowed. In these cases, interregional travel is also allowed.
