
In the next few hours a telephone contact between Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte about Dpcm that will regulate the next holidays. League sources testify that last night the secretary approached the prime minister in the Senate and asked him to review the restrictive measures, particularly those relating to travel, which severely penalize small municipalities. In addition, the former minister did not hide a great concern for the schools reopening without a precise plan, especially when it comes to public transport.
From the circles of the League, a certain satisfaction expressed by Salvini for the journalistic baggage that speaks of a Conte finally ready to review the restrictions established in the Dpcm for christmas and new year. Not only that, the secretary of the Carroccio intends to call the prime minister to take stock of the situation and reiterate the proposals of his party, which in view of the holidays proposes to allow travel within the provinces or within a radius of a few dozen . kilometers from the residence. It should be noted that, after months of controversy, Salvini took the first step towards collaborative communication: will the premier at least deign to answer?