“They send us the text of the decree late in the afternoon, do you know that the confrontation between the regions is set for 10 in the morning and they ask us to give an answer at 11? The President of Lombardy Attilio fontana It changes slightly in tone when, based on the analysis of the improvement data, it addresses the issue of the procedure chosen by the government to reach the new phase of management of the health emergency. For several days, he has been encouraged by the indicators that measure the pandemic, which, despite many illnesses and still too many deaths, are much less serious even in the most affected area than a few weeks ago. But the dialectic with Rome is still quite turbulent.
President Fontana, is Lombardy about to enter the yellow zone?
“Based on the data and the resulting evaluations, we should have been in this situation for several days. The most important thing, and which is also a pleasure, is to note that the numbers of the epidemic are decreasing, but now we are awaiting the provisions of the Prime Minister’s Decree.
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What decisions do you now expect from the government?
“First of all, I hope that the indications requested and offered by the Regions will be implemented. After that, since I am being consulted, I would also like to be given time to express my opinion with reason. ”
A kind of tug of war between the regions and the government has emerged from the debate in recent weeks.
“As for me, I limited myself to questioning the fact that old and outdated data were used to set the stage for the epidemic, which makes it difficult to explain to the public the relationship between their sacrifices and the results obtained. But I also want to say that although different visions and sensitivities have sometimes emerged, the institutional dialectic has given its results. The contribution of the Regions has certainly been there. Of course, if we change the parameters in the race then we have to be perplexed … ».
However, on several occasions it has appeared that the governors wanted to soften the measures decided in Rome. Is that so?
“No, I prefer to say that we feel the responsibility to find the balance between the health and life needs of people and the economy. And then I am convinced that we must not only pursue the virus, but also anticipate and prevent it.
By the way, should we prepare to prevent a third wave?
“I cannot say this, also because, as has happened to several experts, I would risk saying the wrong thing. What we do know with certainty, however, is that there are behaviors that favor the spread of the infection, such as those we saw in the summer months, and that is why we know at least what to avoid ”.
One element of prevention is vaccines: Lombardy has stumbled on the fight against the flu with some delay. The regional council has also approved a motion that in fact recognizes it and therefore requests reimbursement for those who have turned to individuals.
“I know this is the narrative, but the reality is a bit different. First, there was a general difficulty in finding the vaccine, but not in Lombardy but throughout Italy, because the companies themselves were late with supplies. So we also say here that we have distributed 2.1 million doses and some delivery issues have arisen. But in any case, I understand that we have already reached last year’s levels, but in line with a decidedly higher demand, because many people – legitimately concerned – rushed to request the vaccine. but no Region has done better, and in any case the peak of influence is expected between January and February, so we are on time ».
And is there a plan for Covid vaccines?
“We are ready with storage spaces and refrigerators, but the reality is that at the moment we still do not know which vaccine we will have to operate with and Aifa will not decide before the end of December.”
How do you think Lombardy reacted to this second wave of infections?
«Compared to February, much better prepared. Everyone already knew what to do, the collaboration of our hospital network was immediate and effective, and this despite a very strong impact with the epidemic. And I also want to underline the precious role of the hospital in the Fair, which has allowed a better interaction between the different structures, favoring the continuation of ordinary health activities. In fact, other Regions are following our example.
But territorial medicine has once again shown its limits …
«I can answer you that in Lombardy the Usca have reached 175 units and many initiatives have been started in the territories. But the truth is that we are all discounting the price of too many previous cuts. There was no planning, we need to invest more in health ”.
In short, are you not blaming mistakes?
“Look, it is clear that if I could return in January with the knowledge that I now have I would do other things, but it is also true that we have seen that everywhere and even in regions that were originally designated as a model are now paying their painful price The fact is that we suffer more where the virus has reached the most ».
And then there are the economic repercussions. And when we talk about Lombardy we are talking about a decisive territory for the whole country. How is it moving on this front?
“Only today (yesterday, ed) We have allocated another 43 million, in addition to the first 167 destined for provisioning of the different economic categories excluded from government measures. But in addition to this rescue intervention, we have already moved towards the future, in terms of relaunching, with investments of 3,500 million that will become 4 when the budget is approved. In short, despite the emergency there is a vision of the future, this however, is a region that is preparing to host the Olympics in addition to all the economic challenges on a continental scale.
But what does it mean to govern a territory of ten million inhabitants and economically strategic in a situation like this?
Look, for the first time in my life I have a fixed thought that I can never escape. Even if I have to take care of something else, I can’t stop thinking about the virus, the sick people, the doctors, the nurses, the families who have lost someone. But I am also aware that this is a land inhabited by people who know how to look to the future.
December 3, 2020 (change December 3, 2020 | 07:12)