Drama in the waters of the Adige. The firefighters, with the diving equipment, are dedicated to the search for a boy who yesterday, around 9:30 p.m., had fallen into the river from Ponte Pietra.
According to some witnesses, the young man of foreign origin in a drunken state was sitting on the parapet of the bridge with his back dangerously exposed to the void. They saw him talking on his cell phone and babbling some confusing words. “I kept saying ‘I don’t want to live anymore, I don’t want to live anymore, I throw myself into the river,'” said a girl. Seeing him in this state, alarmed passersby alerted the Red Cross volunteers on duty in front of the Roman Theater, not far away.
Suddenly, the situation got worse. When a Red Cross worker approached him to convince him to get out, the young man dropped down. Instinctively, the health worker grabbed him by the legs without being able to hold him back. The electricity took him away in a few minutes and the police from the police station immediately arrived at the scene with three patrols.
Two policemen, on the Aleardi bridge, risked their lives to reach the young man. In vain, by the strong current, even the attempt of a firefighter dressed as a diver who descended to Adige from Lungadige Galtarossa who followed the young man for a few kilometers, until, exhausted, he asked to be rescued in his turn. Investigations continue.
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