doubling of GDP, reduction of taxes and minimum wage


Recovery fund, here are the government guidelines: doubling of GDP, lower taxes and minimum wage

Double the growth rate of the Italian economy, taking it from the average of + 0.8% of the last decade to a level in line with the European average of 1.6%; increase investments to 3% of GDP. Achieve an increase in the employment rate of 10 percentage points, from the current 63% in Italy to 73.2% of the current EU average; bring spending on research and development to 2.1% compared to 1.3% today. These are some of the “quantitative objectives” and “challenges” that government aims to achieve with the proposals of the EU Next Generation plan, planned Recovery Fund.

Recovery Fund, the government document in pdf

the minimum salary in the guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan sent by government to Parliament. “The introduction of the legal minimum wage – the document reads – will guarantee workers in sectors with a low unionization rate a level of income linked to a decent minimum standard, avoiding contractual dumping and strengthening bargaining in the weakest sectors” The protection of the most vulnerable workers will also be achieved by strengthening national collective bargaining and union representation in the workplace.

Recovery Fund, Conte designs the Italy of the future

From minimum wage to health union: von der Leyen launches the new Europe

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“A comprehensive reform of direct and indirect taxation, aimed at designing a fair, simple and transparent tax for citizens, which in particular reduces the tax burden on the middle classes and families with children and accelerates the transition of the economic system towards a greater environmental sustainability “. It is one of the points of the guidelines indicated in the chapter “Tax reform that provides for the transfer of the burden” from people to things “and a” reduction of the tax burden together with a tax system favorable to growth “.» The government – it is also explained – has also decided to deactivate all increases in VAT and excise duties provided for in the safeguard clauses». It consists of 38 pages and 32 slides the proposal for the guidelines for the definition of the Italian recovery and resilience plan to access the funds provided by the Recovery Fund that the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte broadcast last night to the presidents of the House and Senate.


Last update: 13:30

