LECCE – Knife inflicted with unprecedented ferocity, especially against the girl.
These are the first details that emerge from the investigations of the coroner Roberto Vaglio (substitute for his colleague Alberto Tortorella, initially appointed by the Public Ministry of Lecce), who since dawn today began the autopsy of the bodies of the couple Daniele De Santis , 33 years old. soccer referee, and Eleonora Manta, a 30-year-old INPS official from Seclì, brutally murdered on Monday night in the condominium in via Montello.
The professional, appointed by the deputy prosecutor Maria Consolata Moschettini, head of the investigation file together with the chief prosecutor Leonardo Leone De Castris, carried out an external examination and will continue tomorrow with more investigations to complete the autopsies.
Net of what was examined today, emerged the ferocity with which the murderer, still unknown, raged over the bodies of Daniele and Eleonora. Numerous wounds inflicted on the two grooms, all compatible with the blade of a large kitchen knife, which has yet to be found.
A greater fury would have been on the girl’s body, according to the severity of the injuries suffered, the first real objective of that unscrupulous man to whom the couple opened the door of their house on their first day of living together, without knowing which would be unfortunately was the last and only.
Among them, the blows inflicted on the young referee, in whose body were found injuries between arms and chest and other, deeper, at chest level. Once the autopsy examinations are finished, the bodies of the bride and groom will be returned to their respective families, who will be able to celebrate the funeral to say goodbye to their loved ones.
The funeral rite has been postponed, one for both, initially scheduled for Thursday, to be held in the Mother Church of Seclì, Eleonora’s country of origin. The same area where the attention of the investigators was concentrated, who today carried out controls and raids in several municipalities of the district.
In the afternoon the news of the arrest of a man from Aradeo had also spread, which was later denied with an official note directly by the Prosecutor’s Office. To confirm it, at first, there was the name, that now infamous name that Eleonora would have said several times while being attacked with a knife, at least as told to the investigators by the neighbors.
The same ones who provided an identikit of the murderer, completely dressed in black, with a yellow backpack on his shoulder, gloves and with his face covered by the hood that he had put on his head.
The man, who still has no face or name, was seen walking away from the condo with the murder weapon still in his hands. He would have been filmed by cameras on his journey to escape, undisturbed, from the condo of horror.
Even those videos are being scrutinized by investigators, who are trying to scramble every possible clue in order to solve the multiple killer enigma as quickly as possible, in order to do justice to a couple of young men whose lives were tragically broken on a weekend night of September. .