Double homicide in Lecce, referee Daniele de Santis and a woman stabbed after a fight


Tragedy to Lecce, where he just committed a double homicide in an apartment through Montello, perpendicular to via Gallipoli, near the train station. The two victims would be a man and a woman, both killed a stab wounds. It would be the referee Daniele De Santis, 30 years old and a referee who usually intervenes in Serie C, as reported by the local press, in particular The Puglia Diary, and the same age Eleonora Manta. According to a first and summary reconstruction of the events, which occurred around 9:30 p.m. today, Monday, September 21, the two died at the height of a lite but the causes and dynamics that led to the crime are still unknown. The request for intervention came in an apartment at number 2, via Montello, where the 118 operators rushed, but unfortunately there was nothing to do: the doctors could not avoid declaring death. of the victims.

the research they are in full swing to reconstruct what happened. Law enforcement at this time looking for a man holding a knife that would have been seen walking away from the building, where the bodies were found, lying on the building stairs. According to reports from some witnesses, there was a heated discussion in the moments leading up to the murder. However, it is not ruled out that the two had stabbed each other, but for now these are only hypotheses that will be confirmed or not only in the next few hours. In addition to the 118 health workers, the Carabinieri and the Police, the Lecce Chief Prosecutor Leonardo Leone De Castris and the coroner Alberto Tortorella were also at the scene.
