Door to door, “closure in January”. Giuseppe Conte and the spectrum of peak infections – Libero Quotidiano


Peak of contacts and closing in January. Giuseppe Conte, interviewed by Bruno Vespa at Door to door on Rai1, he can no longer hide. “If there is a surge, a third wave or a variation, record the RT, then we would easily meet in Red zone or with more restrictive measures also in January ”. A scenario, the one outlined by the prime minister, decidedly realistic, especially in light of the spread of the super-contagious British variant of Covid.

Despite everything, Conte says that in schools reopening It will not happen after January 7. “With the prefectures at the provincial level, a table of ministers has been held for days to coordinate and seek flexible solutions. I recommended that there be a differentiated school-by-school opening, country by country. As a sign of flexibility: it is the only possibility that we have to avoid critical issues that also focus on transport ”. And transportation, one of the most numerous outbreaks of contagion, is a problem that the government has so far failed to solve. And yet the premier goes straight, “we must start over with distance education at least 50% for secondary schools, with maximum flexibility.”
