The first Minister Giuseppe Conte showed up at the store Ikea from the square San Silvestro a Rome to buy bedroom furniture for her nearly 13-year-old son. A brief escape from Palazzo Chigi in a dark blue jacket, tie and mask with a small tricolor. As reported by Republic, 250 meters traveled by car with the escort, to complete the bedroom of Niccolò.
Between selfies with the employees and various stimuli, the premier also had time to take one joke about league players. A gratuitous disfigurement explained by a client. “At one point, even though it was late – says a customer who overheard the conversation – employees had to check the availability of an item by calling other colleagues. Then the president said: ‘Please don’t tell him that it is for Giuseppe Conte that maybe i’m from the league‘”Well, scoundrel garter belts. According to the alleged town attorney.