“Don’t come to the hospital, not because it wouldn’t cure you, but why don’t you deserve it“It is the auction with which Michela, a nurse at the Pescara “In the non-Covid pavilion,” he silenced, annihilated, annihilated the deniers who the other night left a pamphlet on the glass of his car (“a massacre”) that disputes the seriousness of the effects of the COVID-19. Flyers that were also posted at the hospital. by people in some cases surprised by the health personnel and who fled, even risking to beat them.
With a video posted on Facebook, Michela responded forcefully point by point to the merits of the text: “Even before the pandemic, I always formed the ‘group’ in my non-Covid department,” she says, and then explains that she had found the flyer . And open a dialogue with those who left him: “You say that mortality is 0.05% and it only affects those over 70, but do you know how many people we are talking about? It’s devastating, maybe that’s acceptable to you? ». Then he explains about the flu: “You die of the flu, even though there is a vaccine. In the case of Covid we are talking about a “flu” for which the vaccine does not even exist, come on, maybe you will arrive … Scrolling through the points of the brochure, Michela talks about the rapid recovery of the president of the United States, Trump, and turning to the denier he replies: “Is Trump’s treatment available to everyone?“And again references to the multi-organ damage that Covid-19 causes, Michela speaks of the enormous workload and suffering that the staff endure every day,” there is one nurse for every five intubated patients “and, finally, accuses the denier of the severity of the situation: «It’s the fault of those like you, who didn’t respect the rules by protecting themselves with the mask, yesand today we are at this point ”, hence the direct invitation not to go to the hospital in case of need“ because you don’t deserve it ”.
Last update: 09:30