But then Donald trump Is he right to proclaim himself the winner in the United States elections? Who seems to fully share the president’s theory is Nadia Urbinati, professor of political science at the University of Colombia, who commented with Tpi.it the face to face between The Donald and Joe biden. “The situation looks bad for the Democrats, I think Georgia went to Trumpas well as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, ”he said shortly before 11 am. And again: “We continue to count the votes by mail that have not yet been calculated for a few days – Urbinati continued – but it is an expectation that seems to me that everything is going in a positive direction towards Trump and not towards Biden. The situation of the Democratic candidate she is much more critical than her staff thought“He concluded. Ultimately, Urbinati seems to have no doubts: Donald Trump will win. And even the outgoing president does not seem to have doubts about it and has said so flatly, adding that he is willing to go to the Supreme Court in case of an adverse verdict.