Does the tampon hurt? Is it annoying or painful? These are the most common questions for those who fear nasopharyngeal test used to diagnose COVID-19.
its how does it work come on how much does the tampon hurt There are several doubts: much depends on the sensitivity of the person, the nasal septum, the mucous membranes and who performs the swab.
Reactions to the nasopharyngeal test are different – this is how it works and what do you feel when the test is performed to find out if it is positive or not for the coronavirus.
Does the tampon hurt? How to test for COVID-19
Does the tampon hurt? It depends on the individual subject: of course, it is a mildly invasive exam it surely is Unpleasant, particularly that of the nasal septum, but which does not last long and is reliable.
How does it work and how is it done? Nasopharyngeal swab is done by a nurse and, as we know, it can be done at home, in the clinic (for a visit or hospitalization) or outdoors from your car via Drive-in.
The test consists of two cotton swab-like sticks: the first is inserted into the throat through the oral cavity, while the second is inserted into the nose through the nostrils, one at a time although some perform alone one, to reach the mucous membranes. required for diagnostic test.
Is the nasal smear painful?
Sensitivity to pain The tampon cannot be generalized as nerve endings vary from one individual to another.
However, the swab performed inside the nasal septum can be identified as the most annoying and painful, although we remember that the exam lasts a few seconds: many accuse an above-average discomfort when the infamous stick reaches the depths, where it must be rotated.
As for the throat, the sensation felt may induce some retching, but even here the examination is performed quickly and reduces the risk of rejection by the patient.
Those with a deviated nasal septum may experience more pain than average, and usually when faced with difficulties in completing the operation correctly, only one nostril is rubbed instead of two.