
Giulio Gallera sparked a sea of controversy over some controversial statements about the delay of the Lombardy in the vaccination campaign. “They told us the vaccines would arrive in mid-January, then January 4,” he said in an interview with The impression – And we made arrangements for that date. We have prepared an agenda. 31 was the last day of the year, then there would be three days of celebration. We have doctors and nurses who have 50 days of expired leave. I do not return them to service for a vaccination on vacation”.
However, it was in the first place to distance himself from Gallera League, with party sources who announced that “his statements were not shared and do not represent the thought of the Lombardy government. However, they cannot be used by the Conte government to accuse Lombardy of delays in the vaccination campaign ”. Then came the sentence also of Roberto AnelliLeader of the League in the Region: “The excuse of vacation doctors is not in heaven or on earth. We cannot delay vaccinations with a similar justification ”. Did the League dump Gallera? So it seems, in light of recent events that could also rekindle rumors about a possible reorganization of the junta, which in early December would also have been asked by his party leader, Matteo salvini.
