
Yellow in health Putin. The Russian president precisely, Vladimir Putin is about to announce his resignation in January and the relative «deliver» to his successor. This was supported by Valeri Soloviei, the former professor at the prestigious Mgimo International Relations University in Moscow who became an opponent (after his dismissal) with the founding of the Perimen movement. Soloviei, who has always had good sources in the Kremlin and has guessed some important predictions in recent years, told Moscow broadcaster Eco what is brewing in the president’s entourage.
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“Putin intends to make his transition plans public in January,” Solovei said. “The transition plans foresaw the start of this process in August and the plan involved the union with Belarus. But the protests have upset these plans, “continued the former professor. Soloviei added some details. The current prime minister, Mikhail Mishustin, will be “resigned” and several candidates are being considered as successors, including Dmitry Medvedev and “Putin’s daughter, Ekaterina Tikhonova.” It is not clear when the tsar will announce his plans, but “one of the variants” currently being discussed is during the traditional New Year’s speech, as Boris Yeltsin (with Putin himself) did in 1999. Among the reasons for the sudden exit from scene would have “health reasons”. Among the voices that run one after another, for at least a year, andmerge the hypothesis of Parkinson’s or a severe form of cancer, now in metastasis.
Last updated: 14:56