School: Does distance learning go back to high school? With the new DPCM for Covid-19 infection containment measures there are also provisions for the school.
On October 12, long before the signing of the decree by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Speranza, thea proposal to restore distance education in secondary schools.
The request to report on what is more commonly called DaD in high schools came from some regional presidents. The text signed by the Prime Minister avoids this possibility; and for the future?
School, distance education in secondary school: Azzolina’s no
For the school, the request to return to distance education in secondary schools envisaged under the new DPCM came on October 12 from some regional presidents. Secco arrived the number of the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina, but nothing is final, as this 2020 has taught us.
On the one hand, the Regions, on the other, the government: during the meeting yesterday afternoon with the governors, before the signing of the Prime Minister’s Decree, a proposal was received to restore distance education at least for schools high schools.
In the end, everything was resolved in a stalemate in the face of opposition from a part of the presidents and Minister Azzolina.
The idea of reactivating the DDA in all Italian institutes stems from the need to decongest public transport for which, obviously, 80% of the capacity cannot be respected and, in any case, it is not an effective measure.
For Azzolina, however, school is a safe place: few outbreaks and compliance with the regulations imposed by the Miur. Furthermore, respecting the wishes of the students and parents who request to participate in the courses is essential. face-to-face lessons.
However, nothing is lost: although the new DPCM has not included the measure of reestablishing distance learning in high school and the central element for the school is the stop of school trips, it is not certain that this will not may happen in the future.
Only tomorrow indeed Wednesday October 14, the meeting with the Minister of Transport should take place Paola de Micheli. The meeting is scheduled for the afternoon and should have the participation of representative associations of local public transport companies, representatives of the Conference of the Regions, Anci and Upi.
In fact, the new Decree of the Prime Minister would establish that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the Ministry of Health, can integrate or modify the guidelines on public transport with its own decree to limit the contagion of Covid. If a solution is not found in the field of transport, it is not certain that the distance learning proposal cannot reappear at least for high school.
Distance education in secondary school: union opposition
For once, the no to distance learning in high school Minister Azzolina and the unions agree. He expressed himself in an interview with The impression, the secretary general of the CGIL Scuola Francesco Sinopoli who stated:
“We have and will oppose this eventuality. External difficulties arise at school. I am very perplexed by the impossibility of creating a system at the time of managing the operation of the school. “