According to the union’s complaint, he also voluntarily contaminated them with his own blood. “We need 24 hour surveillance”
“Our” angels “who work in health and socio-health structures are often the target of attacks that endanger their safety and health. Finally, after a cultural and political struggle, we have obtained a law aimed at their protection, 113 of August 14, 2020. However, this is not enough if it is not applied correctly and if it is not accompanied by concrete actions aimed at creating a culture of respect for these workers ”, Thus begins the note signed by the secretary general of the FP CGIL, Davide Benazzo and the health manager Riccardo Mantovan.
“A very unfortunate event, which occurred in the Rovigo Emergency and Radiology Department, forces us to seriously reflect on the Ulss 5 Workers’ safety protection system. Rovigo due to a traffic accident, was later accompanied by a Doctor, Nurse and OSS in Radiology to make the necessary diagnoses. During the examination, the same patient attacked the health workers present with serious threats, sentences insults, death threats, physical attacks and voluntary contamination of the operators with their own blood. Only the intervention of public security has reported a security situation, ”the two trade unionists write in the note.
“It is clear that we immediately asked the ULSS for information about what happened and about the actions they intend to implement for the single event. But the most important thing that emerges is the need for urgent actions to create the conditions of greatest protection with urgency. activation of a 24-hour public security unit within the hospital that can be immediately activated by staff in case of need. For us it is even more important, also in light of what the law provides, to create a long-term virtuous path that acts on organization and culture and training. We therefore request, as required by the guidelines of the Ministry of Health “Recommendations for the prevention of acts of violence against health personnel “, the registry of minor aggressions. It is necessary to spread a culture of availability, also welcomed through a communication system in the organization and towards users. We need to create systems to promote collaboration and support to identify strategies to eliminate or mitigate violence in health services, that they become structural and organizational options for the Management, with assigned responsibilities and resources, for prevention interventions and for the safety of operators and users. It is necessary to sensitize staff to report episodes of violence suffered and propose measures to reduce or eliminate risks. Clear business paths must be created for the management of violence episodes and clarification of stakeholders (contact person for risk management, forensic medicine, etc.), and clear information must be provided to Workers with programs of training to ensure that all personnel are aware of possible security risks and the procedures to follow in the event of violence. “