The call, now, is everything for health workers: getting vaccinated is a must. The orders of doctors and nurses ask their members about the risk of low membership in some areas of Italy, the impact of which has yet to be measured. According to the infectious diseases specialist from San Martino di Genova, Matteo Bassetti, “a law had to be made first” to make the vaccine mandatory for all health personnel: “We will see at a national level what the coverage will be at the end of February. At that time, measures must be taken. I believe that in a hospital, a health center, an RSA, only those who have been vaccinated can enter, those who have not done so do not have the right to work. We need to have 100% coverage , there is not 80-85%. From the health personnel, everyone should be vaccinated. “Even those who have already had Covid:” The data tells us that immunity lasts 8 months, but we still have to be vaccinated because, in any case, it gives an injection to the immune system that is much broader and stronger than a ‘natural infection’.
The risks of poor adherence appear to be greatest among RSA health and social workers. The situation in Lombardy is particularly critical, where, for example, only “20% of the Brescia RSA operators have joined the vaccination campaign. Too little, ”said Ats Brescia CEO Claudio Sileo. “We will do our best to convince colleagues to get vaccinated,” said Stefania Pace, president of the Brescia nursing professions. For this reason, yesterday Asst Spedali di Brescia and the university launched an awareness campaign #stoCOnlaSCIENZA, also aimed at health professionals. It is no better in Piedmont, where Anaste (national association of structures for the elderly) surveyed a thousand employees out of 3,800: 70% said they were against the vaccine. In Tuscany, on the other hand, a larger participation participated, 8,700 out of 11,000 operators. However, the numbers are far from 100%.
It is better in hospitals. According to a poll reported by the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, conducted at the ASL in Naples, “80% responded enthusiastically to the request for vaccination.” In contrast, in a survey of health agencies in South Tyrol, only 30% answered the question about whether they intended to be vaccinated or not. And 40% of technicians and nurses said no. Adherence among the doctors surveyed by the ward’s primary care doctors is higher, but Anaao, the hospital’s doctors’ union, addresses the white coats with concern: “Get vaccinated.”
For this reason, on the day of V-Day, the appeals to doctors multiply throughout Italy: “For us doctors, vaccinating is an ethical obligation. Obligation towards patients, with whom we will discuss in the coming months, and towards an entire community ”, reiterates the president of the Medical Order of Taranto, Cosimo Nume. The National Federation of Nurses (Fnopi) recalls that the category “is the first in terms of the number of infections (more than 50 thousand since the start of the pandemic and they have increased, on average, by 300 per day) and due to proximity to the sick for whom “only contact with the outside world.” Barbara Mangiacavalli, president of the order in Lombardy was one of the first vaccinated and recalls that “for a nurse it is a duty to citizens, to colleagues and also to the science we believe in. The nursing profession adheres to the imperative principle of protecting people’s health and recognizes the value of scientific evidence as the basis for its action. ” Lombardy has established that in each province the presidents of the orders of doctors and nurses were the first to be vaccinated. Also a way to amplify the message.