Doctor stabs his wife and throws himself from the fifth floor, dead – Last Hour


(ANSA) – L’AQUILA, SEPTEMBER 20 – Stabs his wife at the height of a fight and then throws himself from the fifth floor of his house in Avezzano (L’Aquila): the general practitioner specialized in cardiology Vittorio Emi , 70, He died after being hospitalized while his wife, Paola Lombardo (63), a merchant who owns a perfumery in the center, underwent surgery and is now in serious condition in the resuscitation room at Marsican Hospital. The woman is a candidate in the municipal elections of Avezzano today and tomorrow.

The tragedy shocked the entire community, where the doctor and his wife are well known. Nothing suggested what had happened. The police intervened in the act and the 118 who helped the two spouses. (HANDLE).