“The time has come to say things to our faces, looking into our eyes. We will not exchange our yes to governance in exchange for ‘adding a seat to the table’ ”. Matteo renzi launched a very tough political attack right in front of Giuseppe Conte, present in the Senate for communications with a view to the European Council of 10 and 11 October and on the day of the vote on the reform of the Month. The leader of Italia Viva, after having threatened the crisis in recent days, has criticized the premier’s method, who has constantly bypassed Parliament and also wants to deprive it of the discussion on the Recovery Fund, which will be decisive for the future of the country: Conte wants to put 300 consultants in the place of the deputies and senators, but Renzi is not there. At this point we were very clear – he reiterated – you can give us 10 undersecretaries, we leave them behind. If you need armchairs, ours are available.. Here the seriousness of the country and the institutions are at stake, the government cannot be replaced by a working group and the parliament by a direct Facebook. Faced with 200 billion we cannot stop being parliamentarians ”.
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Then Renzi went on to the most difficult part, the one in which he politically put Prime Minister Conte against the wall: “Someone thinks that everything can be done by Dpcm, but I read the Recovery Plan documents. Who has decided that we put 9 billion in health instead of 36, like those of the Month? In tourism only 3 billion? Merkel’s Germany puts 35 … but who decided? Not to mention the school. I tell you very clearly – he declared turning to Conte – we are ready to discuss everything, but we are not willing to use the budget law as a vehicle in which everything is entered. If there is a provision on the government or secret service base, we vote against it. and we say it with great loyalty. We invite everyone to stop while he’s on time. “
Much applause came from colleagues, including those in the opposition, who were stimulated by Renzi’s speech: signs of approval even came from the banks of the Brothers of Italy. Among other things, curiously, the leader of IV also took a pebble from his shoe regarding his experience as a premier: “In 2015, when a fishing boat was blocked in Libya, I solved it in six hours. Tomorrow, however, the fishermen have been imprisoned there for 111 days ”. In short, the demolition of the prime minister took place in the Senate.