“Do you want foreign doctors in Italy? Here are those who we would meet in Italy.” The “sovereign” rapture to be framed – Libero Quotidiano


Welcome if Italy opens up to foreign doctors. Almost. Matteo bassetti, In connection with The air that pulls in La7, agrees with Massimo giannini. However, with only one difference: “Are you sure – it is the question of the infectious diseases specialist of San Martino di Genova – that foreign doctors want to come to work in Italy, where we pay them a third of what they are paid anywhere another European state? ” They are among the best doctors in the world and those who can escape abroad we make them work harder“. A question called” good “also by Myrta merlino And that should give the government a lot to think about. In full emergency, Pd and Cinque Stelle, had decided to increase the salaries of those who had worked on the front line against Covid.

What advice do you give him to not give up on sex?  Chirico asks, Bassetti answers: a lesson for Galli and the Taliban from Covid

Too bad, however, that many healthcare companies reportedly The impression – an unacceptable increase of 1 euro per day followed. A real joke. “When you work in Italy, even when you do things well – continues Bassetti – there is someone who tells you that it is wrong”. Not only that, because the director of infectious diseases at the Genoese hospital is also convinced that this reopening could have the opposite effect: “We will find low-level doctors, perhaps in those countries where training is not good“In essence, the doctors’ employment contract must be changed.
