“Do you know where you can put your ***?”, Who brutalizes – Libero Quotidiano


For a while, Massimo giletti He has accustomed us to a single sensational and very hard intemerate. His kingdom is It’s not the sand, the Sunday night program broadcast by La7. And even in the episode aired on Sunday, February 28, the director certainly didn’t spare himself. Also in this case a very violent outburst, unleashed, irrepressible. The topic was that of the health of Calabria, the kingdom of waste, of black holes, in recent months at the center of the news because it was impossible to find someone willing to be the commissioner for the coronavirus emergency.

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And Giletti starts in the room: “For the love of God, the councilors are part of other offices. But I say another thing: in a delicate moment like this in this country, if you don’t sit on the sofa that is not made of human skin “. that costs the wrath of God, Can you put your butt on a different couch? How much does it cost perhaps a thousand euros? I mean, are we still at this point? Something incredible, ”Giletti shoots at zero elevation, looking directly at the camera.

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“A real lack of respect for its citizens to whom we ask sacrifices and then take human skin sofas – he resumed, reiterating the peculiar concept -. From Magistris, I am truly shocked. I was hoping that at least the Italian money was well spent. If they are spent like this, someone should give a good explanation. Not as usual in this country where you wash your hands. So we are not going to ask people for sacrifices … there are those who in restaurants have not even received a snack, there are those who have not had layoffs. And we’re going to spend that … but let’s go, ”concludes a furious Giletti.
