Do they make migrants flee? The Lazio Region rewards them – Time


Nicola Zingaretti

Two executive decisions of about 160 thousand euros. Thus, the Lazio Region extended the agreement to Domus Sessoriana until September 30. “We learned that the Region has extended the agreement between the ‘Domus Sessoriana’ and the Civil Protection Agency for the reception of the population that will be placed in home quarantine for next September 30, for an amount of about 160 thousand euros . Covid emergency “. This was stated by Daniele Giannini, regional councilor of the League.” It is the same cooperative -asks the councilor- that at the end of July let five Tunisians escape into home isolation who, housed in a building adjacent to the basilica of the Santa Croce, they slumped through a window with knotted sheets and did Lose Track? “” If our doubts were founded – Giannini concludes – it is inconceivable that Tulumello still remains at the top of civil protection. The former head of the Rieti traffic police continues to squander millions of public resources while the Region pursues in vain masks, protective gowns and now migrants. “
