Reopen schools across Italy from December 2020 or wait for January 2021, after the Epiphany, still postponing the decision on the date until early next year? The Conte government does not come close to the first hypothesis, on the contrary. Far from there. If the Rt index is below 1 (now it is not), it is possible to reopen high schools starting December 4 without waiting for the end of the break on January 10. Obviously, the data from the last decade of November will be decisive for decision-making in this regard.
When do you return to school: December 2020 or January 2021?
In the last hours, the coordinator of the CTS, Agostino Miozzo, would have let the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza know that the scientists are ready to give the green light today, that the index is 1.18%. The newspaper assures it The impression. However, for now, there will be no acceleration. It will only be decided around December 3. In the executive, many (Renziana Bonetti and especially the Minister of Education Azzolina) are working so that an important signal can be given. One of the hypotheses on the table would be to open secondary schools with 50% attendance as of December 4. “As soon as we have completely controlled the curve, we will intervene to restore face-to-face teaching in schools,” Giuseppe Conte said, because “the government remains a priority to allow students who have switched to distance education to regain their wealth. as soon as possible of an educational offer focused on the personal interrelation between teachers and students and students with each other ”.
If from December 4 it was decided to open shops until 10 pm for shopping, with bars and restaurants and shopping centers open on weekends, it is difficult to think that the “face-to-face” school, at least partially, will continue to be a taboo for the executive. But almost nothing will move on December 4, he writes today. The Republic. The return of more than 3 million students to the classrooms “remains on stand-by and it will certainly not be at the expiration of the Dpcm, on December 3, despite the fact that yesterday Minister Lucía Azzolina reiterated that the entire ministerial structure, together with the local offices, it is working so that the students return to class as soon as possible. “
To date, the most realistic hypothesis remains on January 7. But Lucía Azzolina pushes so that at least one part can return earlier.
There are many different ideas on the table: an early return to the desks only from second and third graders, who teach from home in the red regions today, or from high school freshmen and graduates. Or a reopening per area depending on the evolution of the infections.
Reopening dates, Miozzo (Cts): “Schools are under control”
Agostino Miozzo, co-coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee that with all the indications given by the Scientific Technical Committee in time, schools are a place under control. Distance, use of masks, hygiene. All elements that reduce risks. And, interviewed by the Romano newspaper, he warns: “We ask that it be done quickly, that a staggering of the entries begin. We wrote it in the last minutes: we must proceed to a timely solution of the issues related to the school world.” . In Campania, most of the students from March to today have spent fourteen days in class, if we attend again on January 7 we will have practically given a year to ignorance, to asociality. It is permanent damage what we are doing to our children. “
Miozzo also spoke with him Corriere della Sera, and cites the indications of the main United Nations organizations such as WHO, Unesco and Unicef, as well as the decisions of countries “that do not seem to me to be underdeveloped states of Central Africa” such as France, the United Kingdom and Germany. “Everyone agrees: schools must, cannot, but must, remain open.” But on the dates, the CTS coordinator seems resigned to January. “January 7 is Thursday, so there will probably be a postponement until Monday 11. In any case, the indication of reopening in January is not guaranteed, given that we are not certain about the development of the pandemic.”
It seems clear to me that “keeping schools closed” does not realize the disaster that is taking place in the younger generations, the devastating impact on the psychological and social are not immediately evident, but will be in the long term.
When you go back to class in Italy
In short, in summary, a leap forward with vacancies in early December is almost impossible, it is possible but difficult to return to class in mid-December, while the most realistic date to date is January 11: ” data tells us that school-age infections are not significantly different from other age groups and we have no evidence to understand whether they occurred at school or outside. ”At the end of 2020 for Italian students, the months of attendance at the school, on the whole, will have been few.
G20: “The school in presence is fundamental”
“We have taken measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. We emphasize the importance of continuing education in times of crisis through the implementation of measures to ensure safe face-to-face learning and effective quality education.« distance and blended teaching and learning as appropriate. ”This is what is stated in the final declaration of the G20 virtual summit in Riyadh.
“Inclusive, equitable and quality education for all, especially girls, remains the key to achieving a better future and fighting inequalities. It is the foundation of personal development, as it provides knowledge to children, youth and adults, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach the maximum potential “, add the leaders in their final statement. From words we must go to deeds: it is not known when the schools will reopen in Italy.
Open schools in Germany: how things are going
In Germany, Health Minister Jens Spahn has proposed a new plan for containing coronavirus infections in schools: “The goal is to really break the chains of infection and at the same time remain operational,” Spahn said. As the newspaper reports “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, the use of rapid tests for Sars-Cov2 and home quarantine for the class where an infection has occurred is envisaged. For the moment, however, isolation is prescribed exclusively for the infected student and his classmate.
“After five days of failed rapid tests, students will be able to go back to school.” In Germany, the federal government and individual state authorities intend to prevent school closures at all costs.