The Senate votes the confidence requested by the government on the simplifications with 157 votes in favor. There were 82, no, only one senator abstained. The text goes to the Chamber’s examination.
The government has placed its trust in Dl Simplification, which is being examined by the Senate. This was communicated to the Chamber by the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D’Incà. Following the request for confidence, the text of the maximum amendment was sent to the committee and the session was suspended. Work will resume at the end of the Group Leader meeting, during which approval times will be defined.
The Simplification Decree included an “urgent provision for the extension until November 30, 2020 of the subsidies awarded for minor damages in the areas affected by the earthquake in central Italy.”
The government has placed its trust in Dl Simplification, which is being examined by the Senate. This was communicated to the Chamber by the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D’Incà. Following the request for confidence, the text of the maximum amendment was sent to the committee and the session was suspended. Work will resume at the end of the Group Leader meeting, during which approval times will be defined.
The Simplification Decree included an “urgent provision for the extension until November 30, 2020 of the subsidies awarded for minor damages in the areas affected by the earthquake in central Italy.”