“The government’s intention is guarantee dignity of people, the protection of legality and the needs of the labor market. “Then the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, in Question Time in the Senate greets the agreement reached the night of foreign workers. Understanding one of the most difficult knots in the Revival Decree It should allow the government to finally pass the $ 55 billion bill expected for more than a month. However, the meeting of the Council of Ministers, initially scheduled for 2 pm, was postponed for 17.
Tonight’s M5s with the political leader. Vito Crimi defined the agreement “satisfactory“: Obtained the severe restriction and avoided suspension or termination for immigration relief offenses, exploitation is caporalate. According to theAdnkronos, the drop point was found by hoping that to get one temporary permit look for job a regular must be presented Work contract stipulated in 2019. The rule also applies domestic workers is caregivers and provides a durable temporary permit six months, as requested by Live Italy. “The rise ofUndeclared work would bring back a condition of legality a reality of employed workers like workers and, in our homes, as housewives and caregivers, “Lamorgese said again.
You too in the Palazzo Madama for Question Time, the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, also announced another important news: “The government with the Decree law – he explained – he predicted that the winners of Basic income can enter employers in the agricultural sector forward contracts not more than 30 days, renewable for an additional 30 days, without being subject to lost wave reduction of the expected benefits, within the limit of 2,000 euros by 2020. “But, added the minister,” it seems that they intend ‘immediate use’ of these people out of place. Among other things, I want to remind everyone that agricultural work is also a job of specialization, skills, professionalism“
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Relaunch, Palazzo Chigi: “There is a political agreement, CDM on Wednesday, May 13.” Understanding also on foreign workers, M5: “Satisfied”
As for foreign workers, “those who have an expired residence permit are regularized,” he explained. Bellanova to Radio me too. The promoter of the standard explains that “therefore million caregivers that live in our families, and I farm workers those who have worked in agriculture “can ask” without an accompanying employer, a Excuse me temporary stay and by exhibiting a employment relationship approved in agriculture, you can receive a work permit for 6 months“
“I proposed to create a path of legality for the people present in our country and not only for the primary sector, for an election of civilization, to guarantee safety for communities“Explained Minister Bellanova in response to Question Time in Senate to a question from the Brothers of Italy. A rule designed “not to walk away and leave the crime unflappable in the exploitation people and companies, because if the State is not in charge of fight cape the alternative is to leave free field for the mafiasBellanova explains that “efforts continue at this time to provide useful responses to the pandemic.”
See also
Foreign Workers, Lamorgese in the Senate: “The emergence of undeclared work would bring legality to employees in the fields or in our homes”
“With the ministers Bellanova, Provenzano, Catalfo we work to develop a hypothesis of regulatory intervention that allows the possibility of concluding a subordinate employment contract for whom is he employed or has he been so irregular in the agricultural supply chain, personal care and domestic work. The appearance of undeclared work would lead to a condition of legality those workers who really work in the fields as workers and in our houses as housewives and caretakers, “explained Minister Lamorgese.
Meanwhile, also the political leader of the M5, Vito Crimi, confirmed his agreement with the agreement. “There will be no discount, there will be no discount Criminal “amnesty” or administrative, for those who have beaten foreign workers. The exploitation of irregular work is not only a particularly hateful crime, but the subjects who practice it act under unfair competition, despite many honest entrepreneurs, “Crimi explained.” What we had within the majority – he added – was a comparison long and tightIn the end, we not only managed to limit the damage and make substantial corrections, but we also achieved a great result: in addition to not providing any relative suspension or termination for the crimes of immigration aid, labor exploitation and hiring, the provision also included the duplication of penalties and of penalties for those caught with undeclared workers, “said Crimi.
See also
Foreign workers, Bellanova: “If the state does not take up the fight against the corporal, it leaves the mafia free. Illegal? They are people “
“The norm that we have reached, continued the political leader of the M5, allows our agri-food sector to take advantage staff needed do seasonal work, and at the same time allow you get illegal work and to punish those responsible for this hateful practice even more severely. “” As the M5 expected, Crimi said, the axis of the decree is represented by the regularity of the employment contract. Foreign citizens who can apply for the permit. they already had a residence permit and who will show that they have worked in regular form in the areas of agriculture, personal assistance and domestic work. And from the moment they apply, they can work exclusively in the same sectors. “” They are basically people who have I already worked recently in Italy and would continue to carry out the same tasks previously performed, “concludes the pentastellato political leader.
Coldiretti: “Intesa does not solve problems” – The agreement reached on regularization “is not decisive for problems of the agricultural world even for times that do not coincide with those of companies “, is the criticism of the president of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini, underlining that in the field the needs are immediate for regularization it will take time. For this, Prandini stresses, “a radical simplification of the agricultural bond that can reduce the bureaucracy and also allow recipients of social safety nets, students is Italian pensioners doing the work in the field. “According to Prandini,” a collaboration channel with countries like Romania where about a third of the seasonal workers with which they have established themselves over time fiduciary relationships“
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Foreign Workers, Lamorgese in the Senate: “The emergence of undeclared work would bring legality to employees in the fields or in our homes”