Dl Relaunch, the Cabinet still slipping. M5s: “Improved text, we work to reach a positive solution”


Still what was going to be the “April decree“But it was postponed well beyond the first days of May. The meeting of the preconsiglio, preparatory to the Council of Ministers on the renowned decree Offer, started after 9 p.m. Monday, it continued overnight and will resume at 11 a.m. So far, only half of the decree has been revised. the cDM for the launch of the maxi maneuver since 55 billion it will take place at this point, perhaps at night.

“We have unleashed all the political and configuration issues,” said the Minister of Economy. Roberto Gualtieri on TG5 on Monday night. But two hours later, the sources of 5 star movement, who once again faced the issue of regularization of workers and housewives, denied it: “The text is now improved but the agreement has not yet been reached. “

Sources P.S For their part, they reiterated that the green light to the agreement on 6 month permits wearing tight poles came during the Sunday afternoon summit with the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, even by M5s ministers, who would always have been in contact with the political leader Vito Crimi. In the text, Democrats explain, “a number of restrictions have been inserted to accommodate the M5’s objections, including theexclusion of any amnesty for those who have been convicted of crimes like caporalate: You cannot continue arguing indefinitely. “But it is precisely on the subject of the” shield “for the employer that makes a request for the regularization of an employee that the Niet of the 5 stars.

To shake the path of the decree, beyond the doubts of the parties about the individual rules (the M5 also on the issue of banks, Iv on the tourist voucher for holidays in Italy), there are also requests from local authorities. the mayors of tourist cities shout an alarm: there is a risk of default. And the regional presidents say it during the table with Conte, Speranza and Boccia: “1.5 billion are allocated in the decree, but 5.4 are needed.”

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The relaunch, 16 thousand teachers will stabilize in September. IRAP and migrants: still in question. And the mayors of the big tourist cities protest

