“It took some time, but I can assure you that we did not take a minute more than what is strictly necessary for such a complex text, equal to two budget laws“This is how the Prime Minister began Giuseppe Conte presenting the decree at a press conference Offer – old “April decree” – recently approved by the council of ministers in a two-hour meeting, after weeks of postponements and after the exhausting solution of the last knot, the regularization of workers migrants It is a maximum maneuver of 55 billion, whose almost 260 articles contain measures for workers, companies, health, civil protection, school, sport, and culture. The main novelty of the latest draft is the acceleration, at least on paper, of the dismissal payment. “Now the disbursements will come more issued“The Prime Minister explained, recalling the delays of the cash register in derogation managed so far by Regions which until now has only reached 121 thousand workers. From now on, it will also be requested directly fromINPS that within 15 days it will advance 40% of due.
“For workers there is 25.6 billion euros, there are resources to strengthen layoffs and autonomous bonuses: social and economic buffers that protect workers and allow companies to preserve the integrity of production. “
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Workers – The layoffs ordinary with causal Covid emergency may be requested for another 5 weeks – after 9 awarded by care Italy – until August 31, 2020 and another four weeks for the periods from September 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020. Employers who do not advance the amounts can request the direct payment of the benefit by sending the request before the 15th of the month in which the suspension period begins or reduction in activity. The competent administrations “authorize these requests by
day 5 of the following month “and” INPS orders the payment of services before the end of the month, provided that the data necessary for payment has been returned in a complete and correct manner.
For companies that are not entitled to the code, there is still cash in derogation that, however, with the exception of Trento and Bolzano, is now also granted by INPS at the request of the employer (subject to verification of compliance with the limits of expenditure). The employer that uses the direct payment of the INPS transmits the request “within the fifteenth day from the beginning of the period of suspension or reduction of work activity.” INPS authorizes the applications and orders theadvance payment of treatment within 15 days from the reception of the own requests. The advance measure is calculated on 40% of the authorized hours throughout the period. After the subsequent complete transmission of the data by the employers, the INPS foresees the payment of the residual treatment or the recovery to the employers of any amount unduly advanced.
the independent bonuses It is confirmed at 600 euros for the month of April, while it will increase to a thousand from May but with income shares. All foreclosures on suspended wages and pensions.
The families – In the drafts are the expected emergency income for struggling families, the extent of the parental leave and childcare vouchers, the help for domestic workers and caregivers so far excluded from any support. The new license for employed parents with children up to 12 years old increases from 15 to 30 per day and will be valid until July 31. The childcare voucher increases to 1200 euros and can alternatively be used for summer camps. Then there is a new “bonus Holidays” since 500 euros reserved for groups with Isee less than 40 thousand euros. Owners will enjoy an increase in Ecobonus is Sismabonus 110 percent with simultaneous transferability also to banks. The terms of. They extend until September 16, 2020 payment of amounts owed due to acts of evaluation with adhesion, conciliation, rectification and liquidation and recovery of tax credits. L ‘VAT on the masks and other personal protective equipment, as promised, restarts until December 31 and then goes to a subsidized rate of 5%.
Business – By all businesses up to 250 million in revenue the stop reaches Irap balance and deposit with maturity in June: a value of 4 billion for almost 2 million beneficiaries. For microenterprises, merchants, artisans and self-employed workers with less than 5 million in income that have suffered a decrease in activity due to the coronavirus, there are subsidies of a minimum of 1000 euros, based on the loss of turnover compared to April 2019. The smallest, up to 400 thousand euros in income, will receive 20%, companies and businesses between 400 thousand euros and 1 million 15%, which it is between 1 and 5 million 10%. For smaller companies there will also be discounts on bills (600 million published).
In support of recapitalizations for companies with incomes of up to 50 million There is a combination between tax refunds and state intervention through Invitalia, while the participation of cDP with a “Planned Asset” consisting of “assets and legal relationships” from the Ministry of Economy, including government bonds. The interventions will be “under market conditions”, therefore, under the conditions established by the European Union rules on state aid, and will refer to public limited companies with their registered office in Italy. Preferably, it is explained, the planned Capital intervenes through “the subscription of convertible bonds, the participation in capital increases, the purchase of shares that are quoted on the secondary market in case of strategic operations”.
To help tourism there will also beabolition of the first installment of the Imu for hotels, hostels, b & b, bathing establishments, spas and camping sites. For hotels and all companies that have undergone one rotation decrease of at least 50%also tax credit up to 60% of the rent. The plastic and sugar tax is suspended and postponed until 2021.
Health care – The decree provides 3.25 billion for medical care: around 1.5 billion for public hospitalization and the same for assistance in the area, the hiring of 9,600 nurses and the 115% increase in ICU locations. There will also be 8 continuity nurses for every 50,000 residents.
The school – arriving 16 thousand more hires in schools through competitions, 8 thousand with the extraordinary procedure approved in 2019 and 8 thousand with the ordinary procedure for grades and exams. The entries in the paper of the winners can be organized, for the regions and competition classes for which all effects are reserved, even after the 2022/2023 school year, until the assumption of all 32 thousand winners.
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Coronavirus, INPS controls have begun to the beneficiaries of the 600 euros: “Those who did not have the right will have to return them.” Cig resource node