Here, however, even if the center-right wins Regionals 4 to 2, 5 to 1, 6 to 0, Caporetto or not Caporetto, the government will continue. It will continue if he wins the No in the referendum or if the Yes wins and, therefore, the people want a more agile Parliament to replace the current one, but they can only have it in three years. It will continue regardless, as Dario Franceschini explained in a monumental interview with Print, not even Bettino Craxi. Who will also have invited people to go to the beach, but then realized that the people had not bathed, but had sent those who had perched in the Palace to the devil, and took the consequences. It will continue even at the cost of a laceration to the left, already underway, deep and painful.
Note that this, technically, is called a “split”: political, sentimental, between the left and the people, the left and a part of its people. Read Franceschini’s interview well and read Roberto Saviano’s words well, his “fuck you and your lies” because the “Democratic Party votes Yes only for the survival of the Government and its goal is to always be there, however already All coast “.
Also read the latest post from Las Sardinas, photos of Zingaretti and Di Maio shaking hands with the words “non ci fidmaio”, an authentic and ruthless manifesto of distrust towards the party and the direction in which living blood was injected into their veins . at the time of the elections in Emilia Romagna. The object of mistrust is a “party that continues to bet its teeth on a populist leader”: “The reform of the electoral law that Bonaccini assumed is already stalled because Renzi does not want it, the corrective measures that Bersani takes for granted are still To discuss, the great season of reforms that Zingaretti sees at the gates no one else sees, the review of the security decrees that Delrio announced months ago has remained a mirage, instead of making a common front, the regional authorities have to wait for sardines because “we are desperate”, the Month that would serve us as bread we cannot use it and last but not least: if the government falls at the beginning of October, it will vote with blocked price lists and controlled resignations and then yes, Kasta he really won! “
Harsh, painful words, noisy like the silence with which they were received by a management team that, with these worlds, lives a relationship of evident instrumentality rather than love. So “long live Saviano” if Salvini is in the Viminale, but he also disappears from the front pages of the newspapers if the same values that animate the invective are directed to a management group not used to questioning. And “long live the Sardines”, when they come to the rescue to win the elections – remember the common path, the contamination, the same feeling – but then, when they become the broken mirror of their own coherence, it is better to turn to the other side .
Talk to us with the Sardines, praised, outraged, so kind, politically correct, when they made kind initiatives – the banners on the sidewalks and the poems in the schools – without disturbing the operator. They will tell you that they are ashamed, angry, disappointed, by this attitude of a leading party that does not lead, which, right now, is asking for help almost as a reflection of order in the face of the “danger from the right”, without having accepted a single request, advice, suggestion.
That post means that too. That is to say: in recent months we have resurrected Bonaccini, without receiving even a thank you, we made a tour of Italy without asking for anything, we started from the Matteotti house, then we went through the Pertini house, with demonstrations in all the Regions where you are going to vote. , except Campania where there is no sovereign risk because “there is a sovereign” (copyright Jasmine Cristallo). In recent months we have asked for a broad front and, instead of looking for candidates to build it, you have reconfirmed all that is salient, not so much drinkable, not even for ours. And yet we have held demonstrations in Puglia where Emiliano has joined the lists half of the center-right and also the mayor of Nardò who is not offended by being branded a fascist. And next Saturday we will be in Tuscany, in Cascina, where Ceccardi as mayor won with the hunt for immigrants, we are going there to give you a hand because your candidate, everyone says, does not shoot, even the stones know it, it is difficult to fill. theaters and even boring on television.
In short, you have not listened to us at all, from Parliament, from immigration and now, right now, you are asking us for help without listening to a feeling that goes in the opposite direction to what you have taken. Because, to “not lose” against the right, perhaps the first thing is “not to lose”, Emilia Romagna docet. Let’s face it, the problem is huge, uneven in its drama: the beating heart of a left party is an idea of change, more or less moderate, more or less radical, but change. Saying “whatever it is doesn’t change anything”, not for the next three months but for the next three years, is precisely the sign of a genetic mutation. It is the Palace, separated from reality.