Juventus will not win the Scudetto, if it does not wake up it will not even enter Europe, a punishment, perhaps divine, given the controversial arbitration episodes, two sensational lack of intervention by the Var against Lazio and Benevento, but in short, it matters little.
The important thing would be to win, but Juventus does not seem capable of doing it, or rather of doing it for more than three consecutive games and that is a great limitation.
A punishment for all, well deserved. Deserved because in the last three seasons Juventus has been looking for something that is not what it could never have been, it has pursued the chimera of being beautiful and has wanted to be a winner, a goal that may be impossible to achieve. In short, in recent years the Bianconeri have worked to improve, but in the end they have not succeeded.
With Sarri they did worse than Allegri, with Pirlo they did worse than Sarri, and who knows what will happen next year if we don’t analyze things calmly, carefully and with the utmost awareness of the situations.
At Juve they made a mistake, but I would use a very wrong one. The first to accuse Juventus of Allegri, the one who often won the championship with a cigarette in his mouth, the one who perhaps did not play well, but who undoubtedly had balls of steel. Sarri’s Juventus also won and perhaps Sarri was right, who complained about various things in the second half of the season, in the end the coach has the pulse of the situation and the players have to listen to them to some extent. Today perhaps, in fact, you have to align them. What has gone wrong in recent years is chasing something that is not easy to find, that is, the spectacle, champagne football, remembering that the last one to talk about champagne football was Maifredi and it had a bad ending.
We have to start again, aware that in these nine years we have won a lot, a lot and we have taken everything for granted, like the championship, perhaps never celebrated by the fans, until the end, considered normal when it comes to. it is not normal.
This season is becoming a divine punishment, we hope it does not become dramatic, as it would be to get out of the Champions League, what you have to do is simple: roll up your sleeves and start over and above all understand the mistakes so as not to commit them new.
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