
The drawn face, zero jokes, the low voice. As boring as yesterday, in the usual 12:30 live broadcast, Luca zaia it had never appeared, in these three hundred days of Covid emergency. But obviously the president of the region cannot hide the voltage, after months of threats: all threatening letters received in recent weeks, for which the Northern League had collected the transversal solidarity of the political and associative world, they joined nasty forays under the house accompanied by heavy videos on social media, who come to show (and explain in detail) where he lives. Situations linked to the motley denier galaxy, non-vax and independence, which Digos investigates, which have led to an increase in protection measures against it.
Luca Zaia: “If there is no snack, it will be a big problem”
Threats to Zaia
In the last press conference of the week, Zaia did not say anything explicit. But in front of the reporters, who had noticed a visible discouragement, the governor spoke words full of bitterness: “I do my job. It is certainly not an easy time. I say this because citizens rightly need answers and citizens rightly complain, but it is equally true that it cannot be that we do not understand that there is a problem, which is that of a global pandemic. The virus is there, even if someone denies Covid and takes everything back to mega deals with Bill Gates and other things … I watch a lot of videos of the patients and they all have the same story: they saw death in the face. So there is little to deny the evidence, after everyone thinks as they please, this is a free country. But your freedom ends where mine begins. And vice versa”.

Video under the house
It is inevitable to link these statements to the videos that have been circulating for days on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. In particular, the two that were posted between Tuesday and Wednesday by a user, a proud supporter of ramshackle conspiracy theories, who he allowed himself to be filmed while calling his home in San Vendemiano: “I would like to leave a message for Mr. Zaia.” Four and a half minutes of ravings and proclamations follow: “We vote for you and we are your constituents to have autonomy and independence, not to submit to Rome.” The man cites “rents and bills”, mixes “Monti and Galán”, talks about “dozens of closed hospitals to favor individuals”, defines “useless” vaccines and tampons, accuses the President of the Region of being “a traitor” and play “the multinational game.” Until the appeal: “Venetian businessmen, workers, unemployed: do not commit suicide. If you have a problem, come and speak directly to the politicians’. Recovery extends to Zaia’s house.
The godfather and directions to Zaia’s house.
The next day, another video. With the background of the soundtrack of the movie The Godfather, images and graphics respond to this invitation: “For Christmas, cordially greet your pastor Luca Zaia.” The map is unstable, but the directions are precise: the A27 toll booth, the road, the names and surnames of businesses and neighbors, up to the Zaia residence. Actions that go far beyond the simple and peaceful protest, such as the one organized on Friday night by a Venetian group, although in turn promoted near the governor’s house.
The investigations
The climate is heavy, beyond the legitimate differences of opinion, which are the salt of democracy. Also yesterday, to say, the Veneto Public Health Coordination filed a complaint with the Venice Prosecutor’s Office to ask “to verify whether the Veneto Region has implemented all the most appropriate measures for the protection of public health in order to Contain the Spread of the COVID-19 Epidemic “. But it is clear that the bombings at Zaia’s house are the opposite and it is no coincidence that they are the subject of new investigations, after those launched for intimidation directed at the Northern League. One for all, the email in which an individual had written to the president: “I would like to shoot you in the mouth.” Death threats that have nothing to do with the sacrosanct right of citizens to criticize.
Last update: December 21 at 11:12 am