The Oxford Covid vaccine requires further study. The Covid candidate vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, in collaboration with Pomezia’s Irbm, among others, requires “additional” studies. Pascal Soriot, number one of the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca, partner of the project, thus admitted it today, in an interview with Bloomberg, a few days after the publication of the first results on the experiment that indicated an effectiveness of the prototype between 62 and 90% depending of dose types (about 70% on average). Subsequently, these results were the subject of requests for clarification and doubts about some data in the international scientific community.
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The Oxford / AstraZeneca prototype is currently in pole position in the West, along with the German-American from Pfizer / BionTech and the American from Moderna laboratories, amid hopes for a remedy against the pandemic. However, the problem to be resolved refers to the fact that the best result (with 90% correct answers) was identified with the dosing of half a dose, followed by the recovery of a full dose; while with the classic double dose, the effectiveness was reduced to 62%. A discovery that actually happened by chance, “by mistake”, and to which Oxford researchers and other teams involved in trials around the world are not yet able to give a precise methodological-experimental explanation. “An additional study is necessary, since we have identified what seem to be the best conditions for the effectiveness of the dosage, but we must validate them”, acknowledged the CEO of AstraZeneca, the company in charge of guaranteeing all the production of this potential vaccine: commissioned in tens of millions of doses from the British government, among the main funders of this research, as well as those of the US and the EU, including Italy, in view of an experiment that is believed to be able to start in the best of times the pre-Christmas cases among the elderly, vulnerable patients, doctors and nurses.
The in-depth analysis should allow us to indicate more certain parameters regarding the expectations of scientists and investors around the world about the level of immune protection of the prototype, which compared to those of Pfizer and Moderna is based on a more traditional concept and it is easier to preserve (at cold temperatures, without the need to freeze at very low levels), to be stowed and then distributed. However, Soirot said he is convinced that this will not block the procedures already initiated before the regulatory control agencies of Great Britain, the United States and the EU, in charge of verifying the safety of the preparation and possibly giving the final approval for future vaccinations. massive, which could be carried out during 2021. Although he specified that the ongoing trials, extended to more than 60,000 volunteers after the recent conclusion of those carried out on a total of 23,000 people, continue in Europe, as in the United States, Brazil and South Africa. He also specified that the initial “error” in the dosage “is not a real error”, since the inoculation with the half dose in the first instance was immediately corrected with a change in the experimental protocols approved by the independent regulatory and control authorities. . However, his remarks were followed by an immediate drop in AstraZeneca shares of 0.7% on the London Stock Exchange.
Last updated: 19:04