Distance learning: the minimum hours required of the teacher for each class – School News


In an article a few days ago we explained that teachers will set the criteria and methods for the provision of distance education. Then, as part of his deliberations, the Rector, in accordance with the provisions of the CCNL and taking care to ensure adequate weekly space for all disciplines, will define the time slot that each teacher must dedicate to the DDA. So how many minimum hours required from the teacher for each class?

Some calculations

To arrive at a precise number, let’s do some calculations.

First of all, let us be clear: distance education, to date, is indicated only for upper secondary education. In the other school grades, it will be used only in the worst case, or in the presence of an increase in infections that would require a new block.

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In any case, given that we are interested in hypothetical minimum numbers, we think of all school grades, except infant, since for children it is simply suggested to propose small experiences, mostly in the form of audio or video films.

So let’s focus on junior and high school.

Some premises

1) Our calculations are based on the criterion of having to ensure the same weekly space for all disciplines, during distance learning.

2) The Ministry indicates a minimum of 10 hours for primary school, first grade; 15 hours minimum for the rest of the classes of the first cycle; Minimum 20 hours for high school.

3) In our calculations we refer to the number of subjects in each school grade, therefore to the 10 primary subjects (relative to the mathematical-scientific, geohistorical, linguistic-artistic-expressive areas), to the 12 of lower secondary . (Italian, Citizenship and Constitution, English Language and Second Community Language, History, Geography, Mathematics, Science, Music, Art and Image, Physical Education, Technology), at 11, on average, for a typical high school.


one) Elementary school, first grade: each teacher, in each class, must deliver at least One hour a week of DaD for each discipline. The disciplines that provide more hours must, in proportion, ensure a greater offer of distance training. It follows that the lead teacher, for example, who took three subjects in the same class, should provide at least three hours of DDA per week to the students in that class.

two) Primary school, second class onwards: each teacher, in each class, must deliver at least an hour and a half a week of DaD for each discipline. That is, the predominant teacher, to continue with the previous example, may have to provide at least four and a half hours of DDA to his students.

3) Primary: each teacher, in each class, must provide, at a minimum, between an hour and an hour and a half per week DaD for each discipline (except the Catholic religion, which provides only one hour per week for those who use it)

4) Second grade secondary: each teacher, in each class, must teach about two hours a week of DaD for each discipline (always excluding the Catholic religion, which for those who use it provides only one hour a week, or disciplines such as geography also every hour of one hour a week). It goes without saying that if there are subjects for which the normal curriculum already provides for only one hour a week, even at DDA those subjects will be taught only one hour a week.

To download the pdf of the DDI guidelines: https://www.tecnicadellascuola.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ALL.-A-_-Linee_Guida_DDI_.pdf

On the same topic: https://www.tecnicadellascuola.it/riapertura-scuole-e-dad-quale-quota-oraria-di-dad-per-ogni-docente
