Distance learning requires more effort from teachers than traditional lessons



Although distance learning cannot compensate for face-to-face teaching, it requires more effort than traditional lessons. This is one of the issues discussed by Gilda’s union during a union meeting held simultaneously in all the Italian provinces.

Faced with this observation, “the teachers – it reads in a statement – find it disheartening, therefore, that their commitment is ignored by those who, on the other hand, have even spoken of making up for lost time.”

The reference is to the possibility of classroom lessons also in June, to make up for the days of lessons that were not held during the school year due to the Coronavirus emergency. A possibility that Minister Azzolina spoke about a few weeks ago, which she clarified yesterday “Nothing has been decided yet. We need a comparison and a reflection. On any action to take to make sure no one is left behind. The school calendar is decided by the Regions ”.

Certainly, the time spent in distance education modality cannot be considered as “recovered”, a modality that since the DPCM of November 3 (and for some regions already before) has involved 100% high school students. Separate discussion for children, primary and secondary I grade, which have suffered intermittent closures in recent months, due to the color of the region and the worsening of the epidemiological situation.

But the commitment made by teachers in recent months will certainly not be questioned.

A commitment and a rethinking of the way of teaching that began last year during the confinement. For this reason, unfortunately, the survey published by INDIRE based on a survey carried out in June to a limited sample of teachers who voluntarily answered the questions, does not seem to do justice to the great work done so far by teachers.

Distance learning on lockdown, Indire online report: fewer hours of synchronized lessons for teachers. Not all asynchronous jobs are counted

It should also be noted that as of January 7 (in addition to the opening of schools in September), schools will adopt integrated digital teaching, since 75% of the school population will return to the classroom.

And integrated digital teaching also implies a remodeling of teaching activities, if not also of weekly schedules.

Return on January 7, 75% of the students in each class or school? For teachers, it is possible to change the weekly schedule

