The complementary report relating to the survey on teaching practices during the closing of the last school year (from March 2020) is online and is the result of the work carried out by a group of Indire researchers from June 2020.
The document is based on the study of the responses given to the online questionnaire by more than 3,700 Italian teachers, more in detail, there are 3,195 women and 579 men – distributed as follows by school order: 10% belonging to kindergarten; 29.8% in primary school; 21.8% in lower secondary and 38.4% in upper secondary.
Some of the data that emerged reveals a transposition of traditional frontal teaching in DDA, where two main practices emerge, such as videoconference lessons and the allocation of resources for study and exercises. In general, the part of the teachers who participated in the survey was divided into two groups, one of which showed greater confidence with the tools of distance education and a strong propensity to develop their professionalism also in this direction.
Another interesting consideration that emerges from the data is that distance education has highlighted how the school system is strengthened from educational alliances in which the involvement of other actors (and other elements) such as families or the territory becomes necessary and fundamental. .
As for the timing of the father, it is clear that the teachers have done on average in their classes about 8 hours of distance learning per week. If the data is analyzed in order of school, it is found that primary school teachers have dedicated a greater number of hours to teaching.
Only 2,842 teachers responded to the survey
In the note, Indire explains how the calculation was carried out: “To reconstruct the time that teachers spent on average on DDA, we worked on the survey question” 6.1. On average, how often did you carry out the activities (for each class) “considering the possible mutually exclusive teaching activities and constructing a summation variable of the central values attributed to each response category relative to the hours dedicated to the different actions (Less than 2 hours a week “= 1;” From 2 to 4 hours a week “= 3;” From 4 to 6 hours a week “= 5;” From 6 to 8 hours a week “= 7 and” More than 8 hours a week “considered as a category residual). Teachers who carried out at least one activity for more than eight hours a week, whose duration was difficult to estimate, were excluded from the analysis, limiting the field of observation to 2,842 subjects ”.
Therefore, the data can be traced back to the responses of the teachers who participated in the survey, and certainly not all teachers.
Another fact that can be seen from the report is that most of the teachers have transposed typical attendance practices remotely. The didactic components most practiced by Italian teachers can be considered the transposition of traditional frontal teaching to DDA: video-lessons, allocation of study resources, external evaluation carried out by the teacher. 65% of respondents (2,324 subjects out of 3,540 subjects) simultaneously implemented at least these three predominant methods.
Full report
NB It should be noted that the report is derived from the responses provided by the sample of teachers, which is certainly limited compared to the total number of teachers.
In addition, the report refers to the period of confinement, when distance education was not regulated, so that some schools “imposed” 18 hours in the presence of teachers and others left the organization free, also because many times they were also present at home . children to stay with DAD.
Again, it must be emphasized that at the closing date of the schools not all were equipped with a digital platform, so many teachers used the electronic record to maintain the relationship with the students and only later did the synchronous lessons begin.
Instead, it should be emphasized that the hypothetical 8 contact hours should be counted as all the daily hours that teachers have used for asynchronous activities, for training in new technologies, for the formative evaluation of their students, for “shared” management with the families. of such a particular period.