The tug of war between the regions and the government is measured at closure. The new dpcm was in the center of a series of vertices, one after another. Between Regions, Municipalities, Provinces and government first, then between Conte and the heads of delegation and finally between Conte, the heads of delegation and the group heads.
Many times on the plate, from the closure of shopping centers, to the curfew after 18, to specific interventions for those over 70, the highest risk category in the Covid-19 epidemic.
On the table is also the subject of school. Even on this front, the government does not rule out different measures from one area to another: “No single decision should be made – said Boccia – but it should depend on the degree of contagion in each region.”
The measures under discussion include the closure of the school in the areas that will be declared a red zone, as well as distance education for students from the eighth grade.
And it is precisely on the possibility of extending the DAD also to the medium that the councilor of welfare of the Lombardy Region Giulio Gallera has spoken today in Rai Tre: “Against the will of all we have made that the father arrives at the institute 100% It is one of the measures that we intend to extend, let’s see if it is a measure that will be decided for the whole country, or the Lombardy region will evaluate it, the averages a little more or something more, we will evaluate it, ”he said.
Meanwhile, according to ANSA reports, Minister Azzolina, in an attempt to limit interventions in schools, asked the Scientific Technical Committee to provide data on infections in schools.
Since it will have to be developed by the health authorities based on the communications provided by the schools themselves.
New DPCM: Schools closed all orders and grades in red areas (11 regions at risk), let’s see where. Interventions for people over 70