The development of integrated digital education, in accordance with article 1 paragraph 1 of the CCNI, signed by Flc CGIL, CISL Scuola and ANIEF, is carried out until the persistence of the state of emergency, approved by the Council of Ministers, by the spread of the virus. Covid 19, in a complementary or exclusive way, in the event that the suspension of face-to-face teaching is ordered.
A reading of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the CCNI shows that Distance education is provided, for schools of all levels, exclusively for the state of emergency, due to the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic, and cannot be used under any circumstances for other emergencies.
The suspension of teaching activities or the closure of schools due to force majeure (for example, due to a meteorological alert) is established with its own ordinance by the Prefect or the Mayor, who can also issue orders to close schools or suspend educational activities in case of sanitary emergencies, public hygiene, public safety or protection, floods, disinfestation, extraordinary maintenance of school buildings, elections, referendums.
Having carried out these two necessary premises, the teachers dedicated to face-to-face teaching, since the schools have been opened, in accordance with the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3, modified and supplemented by the individual Ordinances of the Presidents of the Regions or of the Mayors, are not obliged to carry out distance education for the day or days of suspension of teaching activities or closure of schools due to force majeure, as required by the aforementioned paragraph 1 of the CCNI on the DDI, educational institutions Individual self-employed persons must not and cannot deviate in any way from the contractual provisions.
Teachers’ absences are fully justified and should not be justified or made up, the day or days of interruption of teaching activity or closure of schools due to force majeure are considered days of service and are also useful for the purpose of overcoming. of the test year – training.
Teachers participating in the DAD, on the other hand, in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 1 of the recent CCNI on the DDI, since schools are closed in accordance with the DPCM of December 3 modified by the individual Ordinances of the Presidents of the Regions and the Mayors. In the event of suspension of lessons or closure of schools due to force majeure, they must continue to carry out distance education during the day or days of suspension or closure.