Interruption of face-to-face teaching in institutes and continuation with dad (Distance learning). It is the most effective in reducing the criticalities of overcrowding in public transport. It is also the most suitable for solving the question related to the profile of the teacher’s “hospitalization”. It could also be implemented in case of possible and more difficult scenarios.
Disruption of face-to-face teaching in secondary schools
Interruption of face-to-face teaching in institutes (last two years?) And continuation of activities with dad. The Government decided otherwise. However, in the author’s opinion, the best response remains to contain the increase in infections, also due to overcrowding of public transport. In the coming weeks, infections will unfortunately increase, considering that it is still autumn and we will soon enter the winter season. If we do not want to return to the situation of February-March, we must act quickly. It is in this sense that we must read the possibility of returning to dad, also sponsored by some regional presidents, but not accepted by the government.
Seven months ago the school decided to be there with distance education, certainly not very organized and structured, but which allowed the training system to follow many children. We could have done better, but the pandemic took everyone by surprise.
Now the school is ready
Now, in anticipation of a more decisive return of the Coronavirus in the cold semester, the government has issued a Decree (August 2020) containing “Adoption of the Guidelines on Integrated Digital Education”, which does not exclude the return to dad “. by all educational institutions in to any degree, if the need arises to contain the infection, as well as if so in case of being necessary to suspend again the didactic activities in presence due to contingent epidemiological conditions. . “
The decree has the merit of having defined the normative framework, organization, regulation, methodologies, evaluation, privacy and school-family relations. In compliance with the right to a substantial education (art. 3 paragraph 2 of the Constitution), the paragraph dedicated to “students with special educational needs“Obviously, the framework will need a framework, a task entrusted to individual institutions. Specifically,” IThe Faculty Council is called upon to establish criteria and methods for the delivery of integrated digital teaching, adapting the planning of educational activities and face-to-face teaching to the remote mode, even in a complementary mode, so that the teaching proposal of the individual teacher fits in a pedagogical framework and shared methodology, which guarantees the homogeneity of the training offer from the educational institution. The team of teachers and class councils have the task of reshaping the teaching plans by identifying the essential contents of the disciplines, the interdisciplinary nodes, the contributions of non-formal and informal contexts to learning, in order to locate students , while distance, in the center of the teaching-learning process to develop to the maximum the autonomy and responsibility “
Distance learning is an unsolved question. The solution
The reflection on Did (integrated digital education) aside, there is a problem with the implementation of Dad. In case of quarantine of the class and interested teachers, for the latter the absence is configured as “hospitalization“Allowing them to be exempted from the restriction of Decree Law n. 112/2008 (Decree-Brunetta). This profile finds its confirmation in Law 27/20 that translated Legislative Decree 18/20 into a final norm and that equates the period of illness or quarantine with active surveillance, or in fiduciary residence with active surveillance, by employees of the administrations referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, of legislative decree no. 165, for COVID-19, is equivalent to the period of hospitalization “
It follows that the teacher is not obliged to carry out any didactic activity, thus compromising theto be there from school in case of quarantine.
How many teachers are currently quarantined? They are certainly in greater numbers than the certified infected, which a recent IM follow-up on the increase in positive cases in schools (September 23-October 10) has set at 5793. The danger of blocking didactic activity continues due to frequent quarantines.
During the school year, some experts estimated at least five quarantines per class group. Therefore, there is a risk of having the school formally open, but with empty classrooms at various levels.
Adopting Dad, therefore, has an indisputable advantage: favoring the presence of the teacher, who would in effect be on duty, thus ensuring the necessary didactic continuity.
Also, the return to Dad and his further experimentation, better structured thanks to the guidelines, could provide further inspiration for secondary and elementary schools, should the health situation deteriorate. Scenario presented in June by Minister Azzolina, when she raised the hypothesis of the return to father of all school orders in the event of a new pandemic. In this unpredictable case, the school could continue to be present in a more structured and organized way. And that’s no small thing when you think of our children!